Welcome to our 2019 RID Leadership Year. We encourage you to enrol for our world class Leadership Training, and be empowered for Kingdom Exploits in Ministry, Workplace and Life generally.
What is Unique about RID Leadership Academy?
- Training is by Correspondence, so distance is not a barrier.
- Online Training and Assessments.
- Trainings are convenient for Career persons, Students and Ministers. You Register by ordering for the Training Pack of your choice and the Training Option that suites you.
- Training Materials come in various formats. They include; Hard copy, Electronic copy, Audio and Video formats.
- Students can Enroll for our Leadership Training at any of the three Semester at any time of the year.
- We run a world class curriculum that will empower you for global impact and dominion.
If you have not downloaded RID Leadership Academy 2019 Prospectus, Click Here.
Below is a summary of our Training Schedule and cost of enrolling for our Training Programmes:
We run a yearly Leadership Calendar, comprising of three schools/semester. Each School/Semester runs for about three months each. These semesters are;
- School of Peak Leadership,
- School of Refining Gifts, and
- School of Unlimited Impact.
FIRST SEMESTER: School of Peak Leadership
Courses include:
- Contemporary Leadership Development I: Compulsory
- Entrepreneurship & Financial Intelligence I: Compulsory
- Information and Communications Technology: Elective
Resumption/Leadership Conference: 23rd Feb 2019
Registration: 23rd Feb – 3rd April 2019
Deji David Mentorship Scheme (DDMS) Dinner: 23rd Mar 2019
Test: 25th – 27th March 2019
Examination: 8th – 11th April 2019
Vacation: 12th April 2019
- NOTE: Make-up Tests and Late Submission of Tests attract a penalty of #1000 only. Request for Make-up Test can be made by sending an email. This is applicable only to students who miss the Main or previous Tests.
SECOND SEMESTER: School of Refining Gifts
Courses include:
- Contemporary Leadership Development II: Compulsory
- Writing and Publishing: Compulsory
- Excellence in Marriage and Family: Compulsory
Resumption/DDMS Dinner: 17th June 2019
Registration: 17th June – 24th July 2019
DDMS Dinner: 27th July 2019
Test: 29th – 31st July 2019
Examination: 12th – 15th Aug 2019
Vacation: 16th Aug 2019
- NOTE: Students who are successful in the First Semester Courses are eligible to Register for Second Semester Courses.
THIRD SEMESTER: School of Unlimited Impact
Courses include:
- Contemporary Leadership Development III: Compulsory
- Multimedia: Compulsory
- Missions: Compulsory
- Politics and National Development: Elective
Resumption/DDMS Dinner: 7th Oct 2019
Registration: 7th Oct – 20th Nov 2019
Test: 11th – 13th Nov 2019
Examination: 25th – 28th Aug 2019
Vacation: 29th Nov 2019
Graduation: 11th – 14th Dec 2019.
- NOTE: Students who are successful in the Second Semester Courses are eligible to Register for Third Semester Courses.
Cost of Training and Materials
A non-refundable Registration Fee of #3000 is made along with the cost of Training Materials you choose as your option. Training Materials options include;
- Hardcopy Training Materials for each course: #1000
- Mp3/Audio Training Materials for each course: #500
- DVD/Audio Training Materials for each course: #1500
Make-up Tests and Late Submission of Tests attract a penalty of #1000 only. Request for Make-up Test can be made by sending an email. This is applicable only to students who miss the Main or previous Tests.
Furthermore, Certificate and Graduation fees are required at the appropriate time. This shall be announced when due.
How to Register for RID Leadership Academy Training
- Order for the Training Pack of the School of Peak Leadership. Registration comes with a Non-Refundable fee of #3000. This is apart from the cost of Training Materials.
- Make payment for your training. For Online Payment,
CLICK HERE. For Bank Deposit, use GUARANTY TRUST Bank Account:0011735019, Account Name: UPRIGHT PUBLISHING HOUSE. - On confirmation of your Payment,
- Take various assessments as scheduled.
- Sit for our Leadership examination at the end of RID Leadership Calendar for that semester.
- Expect results and confirmation to proceed to the next phase of Leadership Training; School of Refining Gifts (SRG), and then School of Unlimited Impact (SUI).