All the glory and praise to God for His Mercies and Threshing Testimonies throughout the year 2021. We enjoyed His making and indeed, He has qualified us for High Flight in the year 2022. To Jesus be all the praise!
Every season carries the womb to birth the next. And even when God manifests a complete change, He does this to His strategies and not to His Covenant. So, no matter what you went through in the year 2021, God did not change His Covenant plans concerning your life. The Prophecies ordained for your life and destiny are still valid. In fact, we have only come closer to their fulfilments. You should be excited!
2022 is our Year of HIGH FLIGHT. Our anchor Scripture is Habakkuk 3:19, “The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.” God’s ultimate agenda for His people in 2022, is Great Lifting; and this will manifest in 3 basic ways;
* Prosperity
God’s people will prosper so much that there will be no logical reason for you to envy anyone in the world, no matter how rich they are. Those who serve God genuinely will enjoy prosperity in all works of their hands.
* Great Honour
The LORD will greatly exalt His elects. Believers will enjoy Great Lifting, more like Prison to Palace Testimonies. Across all works of life and in Politics and Leadership, God will break the rank and files, there will be overtaking. He will set His elects in highly exalted positions. Hallelujah!
* 3600 Turn Around Testimonies
There will be Complete Change of Stories for God’s people. I believe this is specifically for those who have struggles for long, yet been waiting on the LORD. There will be Amazing Testimonies of Complete Change of Story for God’s People across the nations.
God told me that specifically as a Commission, and as Champions and Partners, in the year 2022, we will enjoy Speed with Accuracy. The yoke of delay will no longer stay with you. You will gain speed, and every step you take from the year 2022, will be accurate. This means no more error and mistakes in your life. Oh, glory to Jesus.
These are basic things that God will be doing in the lives of His people. However, the LORD told me why He is bringing us on this High Flight.
The LORD brought the image of a mountain to me, and I began to see His people high on His mountain. Then the LORD said to me, “I am bringing you on high, so you do not suffer my wrath coming upon the nations.” The Spirit of God began to give me understanding that for the people of the world, the killings, disasters and tragedies will not only continue but will increase.
2022 will be very horrible for sinners. It is too dangerous to be casual with the LORD. This is not about just making new year resolutions or hanging around Church. If you are not planted in the LORD, you cannot ascend His Mountain Top.
- Be Genuinely Born Again
It may be worse for those who are in church but not in Christ, because you will see great things happening in the lives of those you thought were too spiritual, but things will be opposite for you.
Church does not save, Christ does. It is the soul that is saved in Christ that the Church can help. John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”
Salvation is empowerment for living like God. You cannot afford not to be fully on Christ’ side. No deceiver will be able to escape God’s wrath in this new season.
Give your life to Jesus now, say this prayer from your heart: “Lord, I am a sinner. Have mercy on me. I believe Jesus died for me, and I accept His finished work on the Cross. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. From now, I am born again. I receive Championship over satan, sin and the world, in Jesus name. Amen”
2. Be a Dedicated Kingdom Servant
The Spirit of God told me that, “In 2022, there will be a great gap between those who serve God and those who do not.” 2022 is a year of the Reward of God’s servant; those who serve Him in Ministry and in the workplace; those who refuse to seek fetish powers and manipulations to do ministry; those who have stayed in their place and not followed the deceiver. God will reward us. Hallelujah!
NLT version of Is. 52:13 says, “See, my servant will prosper, he will be highly exalted” Everyone who is genuinely committed to God’s work at their appointed place, will enjoy Prosperity and Great Honour. God will prove Himself as the Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.Where have you been sent to go? Go there!
What have you been called to do? Go and do it!
Go and serve God. Stay in God’s purpose, reward is here.
God’s servants will Rejoice. Hallelujah!
3. Stay Joyful
There will be so much trauma in the world. The nations only saw an introduction in 2021. Those who lack the Strength of the Almighty God that comes by the Spirit of Joy, you will live in sorrow.
No matter what happens around you, you must stay joyful, thankful and praiseful, so that you continue to operate by His strength and at His realm. Do not allow anything steal your joy. Do not allow anyone or anything trick you into murmuring or complaining against God. Keep the atmosphere of praise intact, this is the secret to keep God on your side through the year.
It takes the Oil of Gladness to stay joyful. Ask the LORD to release His Spirit of Joy into you afresh.
I see the year 2022 answer to you in Prosperity, Great Lifting and 3600 Testimonies in your life, home, Ministry and works in Jesus name. You will not be left behind on this High Flight move. You will not lack speed nor precision; and the wrath coming on this age will not catch up with you in Jesus name. Amen!
I like you to join me on Facebook Live, by 12.00noon (WAT) for PROPHETIC SIGNALS FOR 2022. I will be releasing God’s Prophetic Blessing upon you, your family, Ministry and all the works of your hands. CLICK HERE to Like my Facebook Page, so you can join the broadcast.
Happy New Year and Welcome you onboard High Flight 2022 in Jesus name. Amen. We are praying for you. God bless you. Arise!
Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju