Recently, I was privileged to talk to a Church Congregation in Lagos about Missions and how the Church can help. It is needful to start by letting you know that this Church is not new to Missionary enterprise. From my research, the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria is one of the Churches that is known to send, give and support missions across the world; and this has been on for decades.
So, when Rev. Akingbade Adeyemi, the District Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church, Ikorodu 4 District Headquarters, told me to tell his people what they can do to further help missions, I was amazed. I commend his commitment to the Master’s heartbeat. I encourage many more Pastors and Church Leaders to follow suit.
There are many things the Church can do to help Missions. However, in about 10 minutes, I shared these 3 points with my host. I believe these are some of the most important right now….
1. Send ‘Made’ Men
I am on the field and travel very often as God leads me. I have observed that many missionaries are leaving the field. The passion can be skyrocketing at the beginning, but along the line, due to many unfavourable forces, man made and spiritual, commitment can slide down the slope. There are very many reasons why missionaries withdraw from the field. In this season of increasing security issues, many missionaries have paid the supreme price, and this can be very discouraging.
I believe the terrain of missions have changed greatly. Our fields have evolved. Apart from the spiritual forces, the enemy has made the battle more relatable; instead of casting out witches, stand the gun and threats to life. Missions is not for the faint hearted.
The Bible calls us to pray that God will send labourers into the field. It takes labourers to survive in the field today. The Church should be more cautious about the caliber of men she sends to the field. God will rather delay a man of vision than send him into a field where he will not last. We should give more attention to building men, instilling capacity into men before sending them.
2. Pray! Pray!! Pray!!!
While in the service on Sunday, the Senior Pastor led us all to pray for over 30mins. I was excited, that was not the normal Sunday Service that many of us know. If people do not come for weekly prayer meetings, get them praying on Sunday when they come for service.
If we do not pray, we will faint. Any missionary that does not pray will collapse on the field. The Church should pray for us. Pray for Missionaries, Agencies and Ministers in rural and foreign fields. Prayers travel to save the faint and lift the weak. Many times, we don’t know how far our prayers go.
Pray for me, my family and Ministry team.
3. Supports
Missionaries need all kinds of support. Personally, I draw encouragement from the knowledge that someone cares for me and thinks about me. It’s very relieving to be far from the cities but know that you are not alone.
Churches should send support to missionaries;
– Send regular financial supports;
– Send Bibles, literature and other welfare materials that can aid the work;
– Send personnel and staff for short-term and long-term missions work;
– Communicate very often with missionaries via calls, emails, etc. This goes a long way in boosting morale;
– Send training support. Help missionaries with training that can facilitate their capacity to win souls, keep souls and increase their ability to be self-reliant. Pick one or more missionaries and/or agencies you will begin to support from now.
Return All Global Ministry (RAGM) has room to accept, train and send those who perceive God is calling them into short-term and long-term missions work. Missions is key; it is our corporate responsibility. Jesus is winning. Our Championship is inevitable. We Arise!