What God Has Revealed to Me Concerning The Second Half of 2022

Happy New Month of July 2022; and welcome to your Season of Encounters with GOD. Dan 11:32b says, “…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

The second half of 2022 is launching humanity into a Season of Encounters with GOD. People will see God more practically and evidently. His dealings will no longer be far; His judgements will not just be read, but seen. His touch will become real like when a man touches you with his hands. There will be series of manifestations of Heaven and the Supernatural like we have never known it before.

I remember as a young believer on campus, I heard series of Encounters with the Holy Spirit, with Angels, with Jesus and the LORD God Himself. Maturity in Faith is what has helped me to recognize and understand the difference. On one occasion, I was awake, sitting on my bed, praying at midnight. Then, I began to doze and I felt the strong hand of God touch me; it was so real. I woke up sharply and continued to pray. On another occasion, I was praying at night too. This time I lay on my bed and it was not long before I slept off. But I remember I had my wrist watch on, my Bible and a lit candle were beside my bed. By morning when I woke up, my Bible was by my side, but the candle was off and my wrist watch was no longer on my hand but on the Bible. I knew immediately that an Angel had visited me and left me with signs. Ohhh, praise God. Encounters with God are real; and you will begin to enjoy them.

For the Believer, Encounters are primarily to help us “know Him;” and when we know Him, we become strong and full of exploits, Dan 11:32b. Encounters come to Strengthen the Believer. The LORD told me that in this season, Believers will enjoy encounters that will bring Strength to overcome the wave of oppression and oppositions we are facing, but collectively and otherwise. Are you a Child of GOD? He will show up for you this time around. In Acts 4, the disciples were threatened and opposed; then in verse 24, they prayed unto God. In verse 31, the Bible says, “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.” This was an Encounter with the Holy Spirit, and instead of being intimidated, they were strengthened and boldly continued in the LORD’S work. Are you intimidated? Expect an Encounter today!

The Church of GOD in Nigeria should not be intimidated by insurgency, kidnappings, banditry and jihad. The Church should pray and be bold; rise against wicked leaderships and remove them from office. There will be series of practical evidences of GOD’S presence amongst us from now. Be strong!

Christians who have not been walking in sincerity with God will experience these Encounters in a different light. Saw years back, I saw a research about Jonah in the Bible. The research revealed that, after Jonah came out of the whale, his skin was altered, he became a man of deformed skin colours because of the chemicals in the belly of the sea animal. Those who refuse to obey GOD’S Instructions would experience GOD’S dealings. The LORD told me that some churches, ministers and projects will “go down for a while.” Some big names will disappear from the screens for a while. They must Encounter GOD and learn. Hallelujah!

There will be encounters in the world too. Encounters sometimes come as judgements, and as forceful interruptions. Saul experienced a sharp interruption of his trip to Damascus in Acts 9: 1 – 9. Many people of other religions, who GOD has marked for use, will begin to Encounter Jesus in this manner. Like a wrestling slam, the Lord will pull them down and redirect them into His agenda.

Then, there will be judgements, and more deaths and sudden collapse of some who think they are in power. The political leadership in Nigeria has begun to shake. There will be Encounters, some of them will not be able to survive the wrath of His judgement, while some will survive but with irrecoverable bruises. In whatever way GOD’S encounters leave the wicked, they will submit to His Lordship. They wicked must fall!

People of God, I welcome you again to our Season of Encounters with GOD. What does God require of us? The answer is in Phil. 3:10-11: “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.”

God requires that we increase in the knowledge of His personality. Know GOD! Come closer to Him. Attend to Him, don’t just attend Church. The more of God you know, the more of His Strength and Anointing you will carry. Then you can do more exploits for His glory. Throughout the month of July 2022, I will be teaching on HOW TO PROGRESS IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD! Join our Ministry Online Forum to enjoy these teachings; CLICK HERE!

Knowing God begins with surrendering your life to His Son. Jesus Christ is the only way to GOD, He is the only one that can save you from sin, hell and eternal damnation. Give your life to Jesus now, say this Prayer of salvation,

“Lord Jesus, I believe you died for me and rose from the dead, in order to save me. I confess that I am a sinner; and I receive your work of salvation. Have mercy on me. I repent of all my sin. From now, you are my Lord and Saviour. I am Born Again; I am a Child of God; and I receive Championship over sin, satan and the world. Amen!”

Congratulations! Now, you are a Child of GOD! I like to invite you to join our Ministry Forum on Whatsapp, where I mentor Champions to grow in their walk with Christ. CLICK HERE to Join.

We are running Daily Early Morning Prayers throughout July 2022. Join us for PRAYER RAIN 2022. Time: 5.00am – 6.00am. Like my facebook Page here to participate; CLICK HERE.

God bless you. Arise!

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Deji David Olanrewaju

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