Rev. Albert Aina, a Financial Expert, said, “you need at least 5 channels of income to be financially comfortable in Nigeria.”
Actually, the issue of Financial Liberty is one that requires a lot of wisdom, and certain Principles must be combined in order to enforce your total freedom.
This is so because, you do not become rich because you earn much, you become rich because you know how to Make, Manage and Multiply Money. So, you can earn a fat salary, but until you understand the Dynamics of Financial Intelligence, you will remain poor.
Personally, I have learnt and applied these principles over the years, and have seen my income rise dramatically and consistently. Throughout this month of November 2020, teachings will be centred around Financial Intelligence, because it is empowerment that makes wealth
Deut. 8:18 says, “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth….” So, money is not prayed into existence. Money is produced, manufactured, earned and made. And the making of money is an ability, a skill, that you must learn. Hallelujah!!!
It takes Financial Intelligence to make money.
1. Start a Full-Time or Part-Time Job
If you do not have a full-time employment, start a part time job. The secret here is to have a regular channel of income. Jobs are created out of work, and solutions you can offer to people who can pay you. So, the question is not always about the availability of jobs but your ability to offer solutions.
What can you do? What solutions can you offer? Look for that person, or people who need your solution, and go to them. Having a constant channel of income is good, it assures you that weekly, or monthly, you will get an alert.
Whatever the case, no matter how large this regular alert is, never settle for this. You cannot become rich relying on a Monthly or Weekly salary. Wake up!
2. Produce a Product
People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care. And people do not know how much you care, until they can see something tangible that is an expression of your level of care.
What skills have you acquired? What talents have you discovered? Produce tangible products, something people can see and touch. That’s what people pay for.
I like to use myself as an example here…
I am a Pastor; right! But I am also an Infopreneur…I sell information. So I do not just teach people through articles or in Church or at conferences, I also produce books, CDs, DVDs, etc…. they are tangible versions of my expertise.
These products sell online and offline and go far and wide to replicate what I do in Church and in conferences. People who have never met me buy these products and their lives are changed. Hallelujah!!! Jesus be praised.
You can sing, you can make this and that, you can do this and do that… What have you produced for people to purchase? Produce value, tangible value. That is the language that money understands. If you want to make more money, get into the production industry.
3. Offer a Service
People love comfort, and will pay well to get relieved of their duties.
People want to have their clothes washed, their nails made, their hair made, etc. The service industry is waxing strong by the day. For instance, the comedy industry in Nigeria is now worth millions. People want to relax and laugh and pay well for it.
So, what service can you offer? Examples include, Private Teacher, Dry cleaning, Laundry Services, Hair dressing, Fashion design, etc.
What are you offering to your world? That is the only thing you can charge them for!
4. Market/Sell a Product or Service
It is not compulsory you develop a product for yourself or start out to offer a service of your own. Many people are scared of starting out and carrying the burden of a new product, business or company.
So, you can market and sell an existing product or service. You just need to do the following;
- Discover a genuine need in your locality or one close to you;
- Locate a product or service that is selling well and can meet the need you have discovered;
- Replicate the product or service in the location where it is needed.
With this, you do not need to create a new product or offer a new service, you are just transferring the idea to a new location. In some cases, you are paid a commission for marketing and selling another person’s product or service, and then in some cases, you get profits.
I know many young people complain about marketing and sales. Listen; if you cannot market and sell, you cannot be a good business person.
5. Get into Partnership
As much as Idealists are looking for Investors, so Investors are constantly in search of Idealists who can multiply their money. I remember a friend here in Makurdi who told me that, one Sunday, a man in his Church walked up to him and said, “I have N5million, can you use it and return it when you like?”
You do not need to start praying for this. He did not pray! He prepared for it. The man had noticed this my entrepreneur Christian brother to be a fervent and consistent business person. From a distance, he was sure that the young man would use the money well to expand his business.
And your guess is as good as mine. My friend multiplied the money in months.
There are actually people who will not mind giving you money, as long as you can prove to them, that stories will not follow.
Partnership is securing collaboration with someone or a team that has something you need, in order to earn and share profits.
The goal of Partnership is a win-win out come. Don’t ever forget this!
Many young people fail, right at the proposal phase of their Partnership presentation because, the Investor could not clearly see what was in the deal for him or her. Partnership never works for greedy people
Always come up with an irresistible offer(s), a great win for the other party, they wouldn’t mind what’s in it for you, they will throw in the cash. Partnership has its technicalities though, so be careful to get good Legal paper works done. Ensure that all documents are clearly signed.
6. Multilevel Marketing
MLM strives on earning through other people’s efforts. This industry will continue to do well as long as those involved keep their process transparent, and clients focused.
Not all MLM schemes are authentic, so be sure to have someone who is experienced check out the process before you commit yourself to it.
7. Investments
Listen very carefully please….
Learn to put your money in places that require only little or 0% of your time and effort to run. Look out for opportunities that will make your money work for you.
Look out for long term investments. Invest in real estate, stocks and bonds
Ensure you have someone who can give you quality advice in the areas of investments before you put in your money.
One of the greatest secrets of Financial Breakthroughs in today’s economy is to look through these secrets and choose the ones you can combine.
Create multiple channels of income. Learn to spread your Financial nets to catch from diverse channels on a constant basis. As a young person, instead of always spending, commit to quality financial decisions, that will help you secure multiple channels of constant financial inflow.
I pray that from today, your Financial Level is changing in Jesus name.
Finally, I like to draw your attention again to Deut. 8:18.
“But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”
From this Scripture, Covenant wealth is for Covenant children. God does not release Financial Breakthroughs to aliens. His blessings are for His children.
So, no matter how LOUD your “Amen” is, you are wasting your time if you are not a child of God. If you are not born again, you have never given your life to Christ, or if you have been indulging in secret sin, it is time to return to the Father. Because, if you must enjoy Covenant Wealth, you must reconnect to the Source, He is Jesus.
If you are in any of these categories, please say this Prayer with me…
“Father, I am a sinner. Have mercy on me, wash me with the Blood of Jesus. I believe Christ died on the Cross for me. I repent of all my sin and confess that from now, Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. I am born again. I am a Champion in Jesus name. Amen!”
Congratulations! God bless you.