Some weeks ago, the LORD told me to release a Word #championsmeal and it became necessary I develop this article to help bring understanding and explain some common ways the enemy is distracting many people.
“Recently, the Spirit of GOD told me that distraction is one of the effective tools of the devil now. A distraction is an agenda, project or course that looks similar to what GOD gave you. It will generate some results and even get the applauds of men, but runs without the Approval of Heaven, and will lead to hell. Many are running on distractions today, especially in Ministry. This thing you are doing, is it the Exact and Specific Agenda of GOD for your life?”
Below, are common distractions;
- Complete Distraction: This is a situation where a person goes out totally of what God has ordained for him or her to do. This will mean investing and exerting efforts, time, connections and so on, into something completely contrary to GOD’S ordination. When you take Divine Investments in your life and channel them for the use of the world, and refuse to repent, it can lead to death.
- Conscious Distraction: This is a situation where a person consciously does what GOD has not called him or her to do. The person is actively labouring on an assignment that is contrary to GOD’S agenda, without being manipulated. In this case, the person has become an enemy.
- Subtly Distraction: This is when a person is labouring in an assignment similar to what GOD has assigned, but not GOD’S Specific assignment. Every man’s calling comes with details. There is vision, there are strategies, geographical location, target people, etc. When a person is trying to run a GOD ordained vision but with strategies that are unapproved by GOD, that person is distracted. The devil loves to use this one because it is subtly but still a waster of destiny.
- Territorial Distraction: Instead of going to the place you are sent, if you decide to go where you feel things will work for you; you are running an errand of distraction. In this category, a person may take some of GOD’S instructions, but head for a self-chosen location. While for some, they don’t even do what God wants. Jonah was an example, he went to Tarshish instead of Nineveh. This is very rampant in Ministry today.
- Monetary Distraction: This is when a person looses focus because of the chase for money and financial/other gains. In this case, money determines what the person does and where the person goes. If money is not involved, they will not do ministry, the person is a slave to mammon and the belly. He or she is no longer out to please GOD. This case is also very rampant in Ministry today.
- Distractions by Association: These are distractions that come by keeping the wrong company both in Ministry and in life. You cannot move with vultures and produce the proofs of eagles. You are not called to follow everybody. Even if the man is genuine, you may not be called to follow him. Locate your Spiritual family tree, and those going where GOD has sent you, and travel with them. If you travel with the wrong man, you may do well but will never arrive at GOD’S destination.
- Distractions by Imitation: These are distractions that come by trying to replicate proofs of someone who you have no business following. There is no room for copying in Ministry and in vision. Yes, it is possible to have GOD lead you to replicate what works somewhere, but this must be by His approval. The question is, “is this what God is calling me to do?” If it is, then learn the details for producing and replicating those proofs. If not, look away. Most imitations are born out of unhealthy attitude of comparism and competition.
How Do You Overcome Distractions?
- Don’t just get the Vision, get and understand the Details for running the vision. Hab. 2:1-2.
- Watch Yourself always, to ensure you are on track with what GOD has called you to do specifically. 2Cor. 13:5.
- Constantly remind yourself of your Core Assignments and stick to them. 1Thes. 4:11, Phil. 2:5.
- Appreciate GOD for the results you have without comparing yourself with anyone. Ps. 68:19.
- Pray first and Get GOD’S approval before embarking on any assignment. Ps. 19:14.
Pray for yourself, “Lord, help me to stay on track for you always. Deliver me from all forms of distractions in Jesus Name. Amen!” God bless you richly. Arise!
Pastor ‘Deji David Olanrewaju