Welcome to the Month of March 2021. Better Days are here and your stories of obscurity are rolled away. It’s our Month of BETTER THINGS. NLT version of Hebrews 6:9 says, “….We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation.” KJV version of Hebrews 12:24 further confirms that, “And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than the blood of Abel.” Hallelujah!
There is a Prophetic agenda of God for this month of March 2021. This month is purposely designed for those who have experienced delay, setbacks and have patiently waited on God for His promise. I have received a word from God that, “March 2021 is a month of fulfilment of God’s promises.” In Heb. 6:15, the Bible says, “Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised.” In this month, God will be visiting everyone who has waited patiently for Him. Those who have waited on God for a marital partner shall receive their answers this month. Those who have been waiting solely on God for the fruit of the womb will receive conception this month. In March 2021, waiting on the Lord shall pay off with public proofs in Jesus name. What have you been waiting in the Lord for? This month, your expectation shall be delivered. Hallelujah!
The rewards of salvation will be evident in our lives. Before now, it was easy for people to scorn you and insult you for righteous living. But from now, you will be the admirable one, because there are better things that come with salvation. God will distinguish His people from pretenders in the house. The power, riches, wisdom, strength, glory, honour and blessing that accompany salvation, shall be evident in our lives from now on. I hear the Spirit of God say, “He will beautify us with the riches of salvation.” Everything that the shed Blood of Jesus won for us, will be on full display in our lives and homes. Hallelujah!
Better days are here; and we have a responsibility to step into them. All of God’s promises deliver on the platform of faith. We must apply ourselves to His word to see them manifest. Better days are here, and this means, we must let go of the thoughts, sufferings and addictions of the perceived good-old-days. God has better things in stock for us. Be willing to cast your nets into new waters as God leads you. Get ready to take new risks. Be prepared to dive into new realms of sacrifice. There is always a higher price for the higher calling. Throw in your faith for new and better dimensions of God in this month of March 2021.
However, it all starts with Genuine Salvation. Better Things come only with salvation. You might have been in church for years but if you are not saved, the Better Things that the Blood speaks about cannot reflect on your life. Receive Jesus today, confess the Prayer of Salvation below;
“Father, I am a sinner and I confess all my sin. Have mercy of me, wash me clean with the Blood of Jesus and make me your son. I confess Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. From now, I am born again, I am a new creature in Jesus name. Amen!”
Congratulations! Welcome to your season of Better Things.
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