I remember as a young boy in Primary School, I was so small; much smaller in size than my mates. This was not really the case in academic performance though. Usually at break time, we had to play football, and it was obvious I was small. While selections were made, we will all be agitating to be selected by a team. I will raise my hand and voice, “Pick me, Pick me”. And then, the team will be complete and the match will begin. I will have to stay aside and watch.
Every team wanted “fit” players, big grown and hefty boys that could play well and score goals. I remember one day; I was luckily picked by one side and I decided to show them the stuff I am made of. I played defence, and played so well everyone started regretting my absence on their side. While a player tried to dribble me, I went for his legs. When our legs hit each other, the sound we heard and the impact on the other player was so strong, he had to be helped out of the field. I jumped up and continued to play. O boy, I became a MVP: Most Valuable Player, small but mighty.
After that football match, my selection for other matches became more frequent. “Just leave David in defence, the post is secured…” “smiles”
Every team in Ministry, Business, in the Corporate spheres, etc; want valuable players; people who can deliver results. No one wants bench warmers.
The value your Team places on you is directly proportional to the results you deliver in relation to corporate goals and expectations.
1. Understand the Corporate Goal
Every team has a goal. Every organization has set of goals. Every Ministry has a vision. No matter how gifted and skilled you are, if you do not understand what the team is out to achieve, you cannot get in the lead.
For new recruits, understanding the Company’s aims and objectives are paramount to prove you were the best selection.
When you become a Christian, and you do not understand the essence of salvation, this Christian walk may not be as exciting as it should be. Many believers quickly loose the joy of salvation because they have not been able to grasp the essence for their walk with Christ
As a Ministry, Return All Global Ministry’s vision is to “Bring All People to Jesus”. That was the Mandate I received from God. You may call yourself a Champion but if you do not understand that it is Only a Champion that can win others, you will find it difficult to replicate the proofs you hear and see us manifest to God’s glory.
Lack of understanding is at the root of most criticisms. When team players do not understand what you are trying to achieve, they will criticise you. This is one of Nigeria’s greatest political problems.
Are you on any Team in your family, at work or in Church? Seek to know and understand what the vision is!
Your relevance on that team depends on the applicability of your presence to the fulfilment of their corporate goals.
2. Identify your Place/Roles
In God’s Kingdom, everyone actually has something to offer. 1 Cor 12:22 says, “Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:”
You are necessary. Your own opportunity for discovery will come. You are important. Whatever God has laid on your heart to do in service to Him, it is important to His Body, His Church. To be a valuable Team Player, you must know the part God has called you to play. You have a place. Be original! No need to try to imitate.
Many times, Christians find Christianity less engaging and motivating because they have not found their place.
One of the secrets for the exploits that Apostle Paul enjoyed is that, the day He met the Lord was the day He also applied to know his place. In Acts 9:5, Paul asked Jesus, “who are you?” That was a question for the discovery of Jesus’ personality
And then in Acts 9:6, he asked the Lord, “what will you have me do?” This was a question for the discovery of purpose.
In Jesus’ Team, many people do not yet know what He will have them do. Many have been in Church for years and have risen in organizational hierarchy, but have never enquired, so as to occupy, ‘their place’. Will you ask the LORD today? “Father, where is my place in Your Kingdom? Show me my place oh LORD!”
You are saved to serve, not everywhere but in a specific place, discover it.
3. Concentrate on your Strengths
Every human being has strengths and weaknesses, high points and low points, opportunities for lifting and traps that must overcome. Your strengths could be natural abilities, talents, gifts, skills, positive attitudes and methods in your career that you have developed over time. Your responsibility is to capitalise on your strengths and then overcome your weaknesses.
Your strengths and weaknesses will show up as you grow and work and engage in various activities of life. Parents should watch out for strengths and weaknesses in their children and wards.
Strengths must be identified, nurtured, encouraged, pruned and then multiplied. While weaknesses must be identified, managed, starved and then converted into strengths.
To become a Valuable Team Player, you must focus your attention on your strengths.
When activities that you have as strengths are needed, show up; volunteer and serve. Why? Strengths are strengthened and multiply in the place of service.
You want to grow in Grace? Use the Grace! Serve God and humanity with the gifts, skills and know-how. Do not be afraid to take the back seat and allow others lead when you know that you are not the best in the required task or field.
In God’s Kingdom, Leadership is field sensitive.
4. Give your Best to Achieve the Corporate Goal
In Matt 25, the servants with 2 and 5 talents gave their best. Results do not lie. I like to talk to young people here!
Whatever you do, even in business; there is a time for everything. If all you are in business for is to make money, you will be enslaved to the god of money.
I am an Entrepreneur, I am not in business just to make money, I am not in business to make new clients, I am in business to keep clients. That is why money keeps coming. Wherever you are, give your best.
A Millionaire Mentor taught me; he said, “Deji, give more than you are paid for” I have observed this works in business, Ministry and even in eternity.
Young people should learn to ensure opportunities to serve do not pass them by. This is not a call to accept insults. But a call to give higher value to what commands money; and that is quality service. Give your best to Achieve Corporate Goals!
5. Support in Whatever Way Necessary
You may not be the best! You may not know much! You may be the security man! God honours every genuine input!!!
Never stay on a team as one who only benefits from the commonwealth. Those who depend on welfare never become well-fed. Get out of the dependency mentality and become a contributor. Everyone has something to offer, you do too!
Any Church, Fellowship, Ministry, Team or Leader who has blessed your life or that contributes to your nourishment deserves to be blessed by you. Stop waiting for offerings to be called. Give. Support. Harvest only answers to sown seeds. Do it today!
6. Constantly Improve your Capacity to Serve
Never get tired of improving yourself! Never get locked up in your reign! Never puff up in your present know how!
Your relevance in service is only as good as your know-how is presently applicable!!! Don’t ever forget this.
New challenges will spring up in that organization, prepare for them. Be battle ready! Be future ready! The future is yours, take it now!
Be the Champ in Jesus name! God bless you. Arise!!!
Now, pray for yourself: “Father, cause your relevance in my life to become irresistible. Cause me to be valuable. I receive Grace for Grace today in Jesus name. Amen!!!”