You Must be Genuinely Born Again
John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name”
Salvation brings empowerment. Receiving Jesus births you into the realms of Power, where you can command the pace and thresh oppositions.
This is not about being a Church goer, but having a genuine and intimate relationship with the Holy Ghost. God will not give His Threshing Authority to a gentile. If you are still living in sin, you will be a spectator this year. Sit up with your walk with Christ.
Do Not Be Afraid
Fear will still be very instrumental in the hands of the devil in this year 2021. I decree that fear will not prevail against you. Have you noticed the recent wave of pandemic threats? People spread fake the news more than the News Stations. Do not be one of the pandemic slaves. Do not be afraid. Why shouldn’t you be afraid? What they say is coming, is not your portion.
I learnt some years back from Bible Researchers that ‘Fear Not’ is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. This is wonderful! Whatever you hear on news, whatever you see, whatever day of the year, just remember that God is saying to you, “Fear Not”
Why shouldn’t you be afraid? “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” Ps. 91:1. Fear not. God is with you. Beat your chest and declare, “God is with me and my household!”
Forget about your Background
Is 41:14 says, “Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the LORD, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel”
Jacob was called a worm, even God acknowledge his weakness. But his story was about to change. Forget about where you are coming from and what has been surrounding you. Get ready, the year of your change has finally come. Praise God!
Men do not stay on the ground because of their background but because they choose to stay on the ground. Forget about what you have been called. Forget about your regrets, losses and failures. Drop the past and let go. Do not carry the baggage of unforgiveness and resentment in 2021, it will slow you down. Travel without barriers this year. Get ready to zoom! Hallelujah!
Decide to Enforce a Change
Actually, every genuine child of God is a change agent. Christ calls us to make us and then, to send us into spheres of influence as Transformers of nations. Mark 3:14.
The prodigal son did not regain sonship by wishing and just praying; he did by making a new decision. He said, “…Now I will arise and go to my father…..”
What decisions did you make that got you stuck where you are? What decisions do you need to make in order to make emphatic progress? Right decisions enforce dramatic change. Decide to be different. Decide to lead a good and Godly life. Decide to make a notable change in 2021. Make your decisions now, and write them down.
Take Responsibility for Your Life and Destiny
Nothing great comes by luck or by lottery. Everything great is birth on the platform of responsibility. Young believers need to wake up from the sentiments of religion and take the future by the horn.
Micah 4:13 says, “Arise and Thresh….” You cannot be in charge until you charge forward. Dr Mensah Otabil said, “Those who want to travel far must have their tank full…” You cannot command this year as a spiritual lightweight. Mighty weapons are only usable by mighty men. Stand up to the challenge of the season.
The prodigal son negotiated for slavery but regained sonship. Many things await you when you rise up. What price do you need to pay, stop creating excuses, create a new future. Excuses disappear when you refuse to entertain them. A wise man said, “the world gives way for a man who knows where he is going”. In Acts 12:7, when Peter stood up, his chains fell off. For men of great destiny, you don’t sleep if you find yourself in prison. The moment Peter stood up, his chains fell off; no wonder, the Angel approached him with a slap. I believe these words are slapping you forward now. Wake up to responsibility. Pay the price destiny. Arise!
Put God First
Career people have a lot to do in God’s agenda this year. Your job or work or business is not just God’s blessing for generating financial proceeds; it is also God’s strategy for bringing glory to Himself.
If you want to prosper in 2021, you MUST serve God with you career and in your workplace. Stop dragging God’s name in the mud at work. Let everyone know you stand for Jesus.
Right now, many churches are full of people who lift up hands to God on Sunday but throw Him off through the week. This year, God will be releasing gods into the workplace, men and women who will Confront, Conquer and Claim their spheres for Jesus, bring His Kingdom influence to dominate therein.
Mic 4:11-12 says, “Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion. But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor”
Will you face opposition this year? Yes! Plenty of it.
Why? Because God will gather the opposition for a Threshing.
The Church of God should not be afraid when opposition rises up. God is bringing our enemies to the Threshing Floor. Get ready to beat!
Submit to God’s Process
Some year ago in my early years in Makurdi, God began to speak to me about our Ministry’s Training Arm: RID Leadership Academy. He revealed how many Bible Training Schools chunk out men and women, that are not fit for the field. This is a major reason for ineffectiveness and inefficiency in Ministry work even though churches are on the increase.
This year, God is focusing His attention on making men. Isa 41:15 says, “Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff”. When God makes you, you are made for Championship.
Sit under God and let Him cook you until you are done and fit for the field.
2021 is a year for the gods. Mere men stand no chance. Young ministers, stop all these chase and race to launch into what God has not made you for. You may be called but not chosen for an Agenda. You may be chosen but not yet fit. Get clear cut instructions from God before taking a leap. Learn to understand God’s place for you and stay there. Stop copying and comparing Graces across town. Take the following very seriously in 2021;
– Do not be in a haste
– Pray! Pray!! Pray!!!
– Fast and Pray
– Listen to instructions more in the place of prayers
– Be careful to get details about things that God is saying to you
– Obey instructions quickly
– Trust God, stop relying on people if not you will fail.
Finally, don’t get it twisted, there is a difference between fighting a man and beating a man. Stop fighting your enemies, start beating them. Ride through this year with Championship Mentality and the Countenance of Dominion. Indeed as long as God lives, everyday of this year will produce Threshing Testimonies for you, your household and organization in Jesus name. Arise!