Rev. Albert Aina, a Financial Expert, said, “you need at least 5 channels of income to be financially comfortable in Nigeria.”

Actually, the issue of Financial Liberty is one that requires a lot of wisdom, and certain Principles must be combined in order to enforce your total freedom.

This is so because, you do not become rich because you earn much, you become rich because you know how to Make, Manage and Multiply Money. So, you can earn a fat salary, but until you understand the Dynamics of Financial Intelligence, you will remain poor.

Personally, I have learnt and applied these principles over the years, and have seen my income rise dramatically and consistently. Throughout this month of November 2020, teachings will be centred around Financial Intelligence, because it is empowerment that makes wealth

Deut. 8:18 says, “But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth….” So, money is not prayed into existence. Money is produced, manufactured, earned and made. And the making of money is an ability, a skill, that you must learn. Hallelujah!!!

It takes Financial Intelligence to make money.


1. Start a Full-Time or Part-Time Job

If you do not have a full-time employment, start a part time job. The secret here is to have a regular channel of income. Jobs are created out of work, and solutions you can offer to people who can pay you. So, the question is not always about the availability of jobs but your ability to offer solutions.

What can you do? What solutions can you offer? Look for that person, or people who need your solution, and go to them. Having a constant channel of income is good, it assures you that weekly, or monthly, you will get an alert.

Whatever the case, no matter how large this regular alert is, never settle for this. You cannot become rich relying on a Monthly or Weekly salary. Wake up!

2. Produce a Product

People do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care. And people do not know how much you care, until they can see something tangible that is an expression of your level of care.

What skills have you acquired? What talents have you discovered? Produce tangible products, something people can see and touch. That’s what people pay for.

I like to use myself as an example here…

I am a Pastor; right! But I am also an Infopreneur…I sell information. So I do not just teach people through articles or in Church or at conferences, I also produce books, CDs, DVDs, etc…. they are tangible versions of my expertise.

These products sell online and offline and go far and wide to replicate what I do in Church and in conferences. People who have never met me buy these products and their lives are changed. Hallelujah!!! Jesus be praised.

You can sing, you can make this and that, you can do this and do that… What have you produced for people to purchase? Produce value, tangible value. That is the language that money understands. If you want to make more money, get into the production industry.

3. Offer a Service

People love comfort, and will pay well to get relieved of their duties.

People want to have their clothes washed, their nails made, their hair made, etc. The service industry is waxing strong by the day. For instance, the comedy industry in Nigeria is now worth millions.  People want to relax and laugh and pay well for it.

So, what service can you offer? Examples include, Private Teacher, Dry cleaning, Laundry Services, Hair dressing, Fashion design, etc.

What are you offering to your world? That is the only thing you can charge them for!

4. Market/Sell a Product or Service

It is not compulsory you develop a product for yourself or start out to offer a service of your own. Many people are scared of starting out and carrying the burden of a new product, business or company.

So, you can market and sell an existing product or service. You just need to do the following;

  • Discover a genuine need in your locality or one close to you;
  • Locate a product or service that is selling well and can meet the need you have discovered;
  • Replicate the product or service in the location where it is needed.

With this, you do not need to create a new product or offer a new service, you are just transferring the idea to a new location. In some cases, you are paid a commission for marketing and selling another person’s product or service, and then in some cases, you get profits.

I know many young people complain about marketing and sales. Listen; if you cannot market and sell, you cannot be a good business person.

5. Get into Partnership

As much as Idealists are looking for Investors, so Investors are constantly in search of Idealists who can multiply their money. I remember a friend here in Makurdi who told me that, one Sunday, a man in his Church walked up to him and said, “I have N5million, can you use it and return it when you like?”

You do not need to start praying for this. He did not pray! He prepared for it. The man had noticed this my entrepreneur Christian brother to be a fervent and consistent business person. From a distance, he was sure that the young man would use the money well to expand his business.

And your guess is as good as mine. My friend multiplied the money in months.

There are actually people who will not mind giving you money, as long as you can prove to them, that stories will not follow.

Partnership is securing collaboration with someone or a team that has something you need, in order to earn and share profits.

The goal of Partnership is a win-win out come. Don’t ever forget this!

Many young people fail, right at the proposal phase of their Partnership presentation because, the Investor could not clearly see what was in the deal for him or her. Partnership never works for greedy people

Always come up with an irresistible offer(s), a great win for the other party, they wouldn’t mind what’s in it for you, they will throw in the cash. Partnership has its technicalities though, so be careful to get good Legal paper works done. Ensure that all documents are clearly signed.

6. Multilevel Marketing

MLM strives on earning through other people’s efforts. This industry will continue to do well as long as those involved keep their process transparent, and clients focused.

Not all MLM schemes are authentic, so be sure to have someone who is experienced check out the process before you commit yourself to it.

7. Investments

Listen very carefully please….

Learn to put your money in places that require only little or 0% of your time and effort to run. Look out for opportunities that will make your money work for you.

Look out for long term investments. Invest in real estate, stocks and bonds

Ensure you have someone who can give you quality advice in the areas of investments before you put in your money.

One of the greatest secrets of Financial Breakthroughs in today’s economy is to look through these secrets and choose the ones you can combine.

Create multiple channels of income. Learn to spread your Financial nets to catch from diverse channels on a constant basis. As a young person, instead of always spending, commit to quality financial decisions, that will help you secure multiple channels of constant financial inflow.

I pray that from today, your Financial Level is changing in Jesus name.

Finally, I like to draw your attention again to Deut. 8:18.

“But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.”

From this Scripture, Covenant wealth is for Covenant children. God does not release Financial Breakthroughs to aliens. His blessings are for His children.

So, no matter how LOUD your “Amen” is, you are wasting your time if you are not a child of God. If you are not born again, you have never given your life to Christ, or if you have been indulging in secret sin, it is time to return to the Father. Because, if you must enjoy Covenant Wealth, you must reconnect to the Source, He is Jesus.

If you are in any of these categories, please say this Prayer with me…

 “Father, I am a sinner. Have mercy on me, wash me with the Blood of Jesus. I believe Christ died on the Cross for me. I repent of all my sin and confess that from now, Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. I am born again. I am a Champion in Jesus name. Amen!”

Congratulations! God bless you.

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


Weaknesses are attitudes, traits, schools of thoughts and reactions that have the capacity to frustrate one’s efforts, destroy relationships and even close doors of opportunities.

Weaknesses are the opposite of strengths, natural abilities, gifts and talents. They can be inherited, learnt, unlearnt, imparted and contacted by association. Weaknesses can also be corrected!

Weaknesses can go unnoticed in the life of a man. Though they can appear silent in a man’s life, most weaknesses never stay without an impact. What this means is that, it is possible to have weaknesses and not know. But it is impossible to have weaknesses and not be affected by them.

Funny enough, every human being has weaknesses. Why? Because of the old man, the sinful nature of man. I believe,

“the worse of any weakness is having one and not accepting it is a weakness”

“and the worst of any weakness is the unwillingness to change”

Actually, just as Strengths, Talents and Gifts open doors and bring greatness, weaknesses can destroy the destiny of a man destined for greatness. Weaknesses are like the enemy within, they must be eradicated.

I will show you 3 examples in the Bible where Weaknesses Crippled Destinies and Brought Death

* Samson was great

His greatness is still spoken of in our days. But he had weaknesses. The most powerful man on earth was disobedient, overconfident, rebellious and had an eye for prostitutes. Judges 14:1-3.

* What about Gehazi?

He was destined to carry Elisha’s anointing, at least we can imagine that. But covetousness led him to lie and steal and take a honorarium destined to sink the anointing. 2Kings 5;21-27.

I pray for you today, as long as God lives, no one here will take what sinks men in Jesus name.

See, there are things you must not take. It is not every money that passes by, or even knocks on your door that you take. You will not take garnished evil in Jesus name.

* Then in the New Testament, we see Ananias and Saphira in Acts 5:1-10.

They died before their time. What cut their lives short? One weakness! Their weakness was the love for money! Ananias and Saphira were “christians” as many are today. They were givers but kai, kai, they could not part away with “so much money”. To them, the amount was too much to lay down and give to support the work of God. The love for money led to lies and that led to their death.

Many young Christians today are victims of this weakness. “Give wetin?” “For wetin?” “My hard-earned money?” “Abeg, abeg, comot for road!”

There are so many weaknesses in the lives of people. They are scattered in people depending on family lineage, association, culture, upbringing, economic factors, etc.

* Weaknesses include:Sin, Procrastination, Ingratitude, Greed,

* Selfishness, Pride, Envy, Overestimation of Self

* Insincerity, Overconfidence, Idolatry, Godfatherism

* Ignorance, Backbiting, Lying, Hatred

* Malice, Looking down on others, Deception, Ungodliness, Masturbation.

* Unforgiveness, Immorality, Pornography, Nudity, Love of Money, etc.

Every weakness opens the door for the enemy to steal, kill and destroy. In fact, if as a Christian, you speak in tongues, serve God and you are fervent but still experience demonic oppressions, like addictions, sex in the dreams, etc; it is most likely that, you are yet to overcome weaknesses that opens you up to the enemy. Today is your day of Liberty in Jesus name. You must overcome Personal Weaknesses. It is possible!!!

How do you Overcome Personal Weaknesses?

KJV version of Deut 8:16 says, “Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end”

NIV version says, He gave you manna to eat in the wilderness, something your ancestors had never known, *to humble and test you* so that in the end it might go well with you”

NIV version of Heb 5:14 further says, “But solid food is for *the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish* good from evil”

Weaknesses are overcome by Training!!! Weaknesses are overcome by subjecting yourself and your flesh to discipline.

The truth is that, God knows humans have weaknesses. And even after you have given your life to Christ, there are attitudes you must change, experiences you must put behind, thoughts you must forget, addictions you must break away, associations you must truncate, school of thoughts you must unlearn.

This is why Christianity is a journey, a progressive walk. It is not abnormal to discover a weakness in your life. It is, to remain in it. If your own Christianity is truly a progressive journey, you will grow out of that weakness. It is an error to discover you have a weakness and it remains with you!

Weaknesses are often strong addictions, they hardly leave you just by wishing. This is why it takes Training to break away from them

Heb 5:14 says, “But solid food is for *the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish* good from evil” (NIV version)

You must give in to training in order to undo an addiction that can sinks you.

Training takes effort; getting up early, sacrificing pleasures, going hungry, getting on a diet, sweating and going beyond previous limits, in order to enter new achievements.

What weaknesses have you identified in your life? It takes Personal Discipline to overcome Personal Weaknesses. It takes giving in to Training in order to overcome Personal Weaknesses

How Do You Get Trained?

1. Allow the Word of God train you.

Don’t just read the Word of God, constantly use the word and apply the instructions to your life. This will progressively undo the negativities that have shaped you out of destiny over the years. It is not reading the word that changes you, it is applying the word to the grey areas of your life that brings transformation. If you like quote scriptures like fire, you cannot grow unto you “DO” the Word. Train yourself by applying Scriptural instructions to your life, you will grow.

2. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you

A constant walk with the Holy Spirit enforces a progress that will lead you into overcoming weaknesses, thereby unleashing and pruning your strengths.

Rom 8:14 says “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”

Divine Direction is proof of your salvation. Allow the Holy Spirit to run your life

3. Follow God Ordained Leaders

Heb 6:12 says, “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises”

Who you follow determines where you arrive. Who you follow determines what follows you

You cannot be walking in a man’s footsteps and not replicate his feats. Quality Mentorship and Leadership assures you of a progressive life.

I have seen many people call me Mentor, but what is between us is far from a Mentoring relationship. Mentorship is about following in the footsteps of the leader that God has assigned for you. It must show in the life you live

My Father in the LORD, Dr Oyedepo, will say, “It is not how close to the anointing that matter, it is how connected”

The proof that you are following a man is in accepting instructions from him and obeying them. That is how to follow!  Distance is not the issue. Heart Connection is the main thing.

When you allow the right people to lead you, and you apply their instructions to your life, you will overcome your present limitations and generate the desired proofs.

You want to overcome personal weaknesses? Follow God ordained leaders.



I remember as a young boy in Primary School, I was so small; much smaller in size than my mates. This was not really the case in academic performance though. Usually at break time, we had to play football, and it was obvious I was small. While selections were made, we will all be agitating to be selected by a team. I will raise my hand and voice, “Pick me, Pick me”. And then, the team will be complete and the match will begin. I will have to stay aside and watch.

Every team wanted “fit” players, big grown and hefty boys that could play well and score goals. I remember one day; I was luckily picked by one side and I decided to show them the stuff I am made of. I played defence, and played so well everyone started regretting my absence on their side. While a player tried to dribble me, I went for his legs. When our legs hit each other, the sound we heard and the impact on the other player was so strong, he had to be helped out of the field. I jumped up and continued to play. O boy, I became a MVP: Most Valuable Player, small but mighty.

After that football match, my selection for other matches became more frequent. “Just leave David in defence, the post is secured…” “smiles”

Every team in Ministry, Business, in the Corporate spheres, etc; want valuable players; people who can deliver results. No one wants bench warmers.

The value your Team places on you is directly proportional to the results you deliver in relation to corporate goals and expectations.


1. Understand the Corporate Goal

Every team has a goal. Every organization has set of goals. Every Ministry has a vision. No matter how gifted and skilled you are, if you do not understand what the team is out to achieve, you cannot get in the lead.

For new recruits, understanding the Company’s aims and objectives are paramount to prove you were the best selection.

When you become a Christian, and you do not understand the essence of salvation, this Christian walk may not be as exciting as it should be. Many believers quickly loose the joy of salvation because they have not been able to grasp the essence for their walk with Christ

As a Ministry, Return All Global Ministry’s vision is to “Bring All People to Jesus”. That was the Mandate I received from God. You may call yourself a Champion but if you do not understand that it is Only a Champion that can win others, you will find it difficult to replicate the proofs you hear and see us manifest to God’s glory.

Lack of understanding is at the root of most criticisms. When team players do not understand what you are trying to achieve, they will criticise you. This is one of Nigeria’s greatest political problems.

Are you on any Team in your family, at work or in Church? Seek to know and understand what the vision is!

Your relevance on that team depends on the applicability of your presence to the fulfilment of their corporate goals.

2. Identify your Place/Roles

In God’s Kingdom, everyone actually has something to offer. 1 Cor 12:22 says, “Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:”

You are necessary. Your own opportunity for discovery will come. You are important. Whatever God has laid on your heart to do in service to Him, it is important to His Body, His Church. To be a valuable Team Player, you must know the part God has called you to play. You have a place. Be original! No need to try to imitate.

Many times, Christians find Christianity less engaging and motivating because they have not found their place.

One of the secrets for the exploits that Apostle Paul enjoyed is that, the day He met the Lord was the day He also applied to know his place. In Acts 9:5, Paul asked Jesus, “who are you?” That was a question for the discovery of Jesus’ personality

And then in Acts 9:6, he asked the Lord, “what will you have me do?” This was a question for the discovery of purpose.

In Jesus’ Team, many people do not yet know what He will have them do. Many have been in Church for years and have risen in organizational hierarchy, but have never enquired, so as to occupy, ‘their place’. Will you ask the LORD today? “Father, where is my place in Your Kingdom? Show me my place oh LORD!”

You are saved to serve, not everywhere but in a specific place, discover it.

3. Concentrate on your Strengths

Every human being has strengths and weaknesses, high points and low points, opportunities for lifting and traps that must overcome. Your strengths could be natural abilities, talents, gifts, skills, positive attitudes and methods in your career that you have developed over time. Your responsibility is to capitalise on your strengths and then overcome your weaknesses.

Your strengths and weaknesses will show up as you grow and work and engage in various activities of life. Parents should watch out for strengths and weaknesses in their children and wards.

Strengths must be identified, nurtured, encouraged, pruned and then multiplied. While weaknesses must be identified, managed, starved and then converted into strengths.

To become a Valuable Team Player, you must focus your attention on your strengths.

When activities that you have as strengths are needed, show up; volunteer and serve. Why? Strengths are strengthened and multiply in the place of service.

You want to grow in Grace? Use the Grace! Serve God and humanity with the gifts, skills and know-how. Do not be afraid to take the back seat and allow others lead when you know that you are not the best in the required task or field.

In God’s Kingdom, Leadership is field sensitive.

4. Give your Best to Achieve the Corporate Goal

In Matt 25, the servants with 2 and 5 talents gave their best. Results do not lie. I like to talk to young people here!

Whatever you do, even in business; there is a time for everything. If all you are in business for is to make money, you will be enslaved to the god of money.

I am an Entrepreneur, I am not in business just to make money, I am not in business to make new clients, I am in business to keep clients. That is why money keeps coming. Wherever you are, give your best.

A Millionaire Mentor taught me; he said, “Deji, give more than you are paid for” I have observed this works in business, Ministry and even in eternity.

Young people should learn to ensure opportunities to serve do not pass them by. This is not a call to accept insults. But a call to give higher value to what commands money; and that is quality service. Give your best to Achieve Corporate Goals!

5. Support in Whatever Way Necessary

You may not be the best! You may not know much! You may be the security man! God honours every genuine input!!!

Never stay on a team as one who only benefits from the commonwealth. Those who depend on welfare never become well-fed. Get out of the dependency mentality and become a contributor. Everyone has something to offer, you do too!

Any Church, Fellowship, Ministry, Team or Leader who has blessed your life or that contributes to your nourishment deserves to be blessed by you. Stop waiting for offerings to be called. Give. Support. Harvest only answers to sown seeds. Do it today!

6. Constantly Improve your Capacity to Serve

Never get tired of improving yourself! Never get locked up in your reign! Never puff up in your present know how!

Your relevance in service is only as good as your know-how is presently applicable!!! Don’t ever forget this.

New challenges will spring up in that organization, prepare for them. Be battle ready! Be future ready! The future is yours, take it now!

Be the Champ in Jesus name! God bless you. Arise!!!

Now, pray for yourself: “Father, cause your relevance in my life to become irresistible. Cause me to be valuable. I receive Grace for Grace today in Jesus name. Amen!!!”

Deji David Olanrewaju


Matt 28:18 – 20 says, “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen”

Soul Winning is not just God’s heartbeat; He wants us to see Soul Winning as a lifestyle. I have always had this mindset of Christ, that Soul Winning is not what you learn or just initiate, it is what we are born for. Soul Winning is what we are Born Again for. We are called to call; we are saved to save; we are won to win. We are here to bring others into the Kingdom we have gained access. Doing little or nothing to give this same access to others, is totally outside His purpose for us.

The Kingdom of God is like Multilevel Marketing! I did not say it is Multilevel Marketing (MLM). In fact, I believe that Multilevel Marketing was copied from God’s structure for His Kingdom. In God’s Kingdom, we rise by winning others.

Dan 12:3 says, “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever”

Those who win souls, may not be Bishops and the big names in your denomination, but when we get to Heaven, they will overtake everybody. Soul Winners will be the Champions in Heaven. Won’t you like to be called a Champion in Heaven? None of us shall miss this in Jesus name. Hallelujah!!!

The Scripture above reveals that those who win souls will shine, shine like the stars forever and ever. “Oh LORD, may I not miss out of your Stardom in Jesus name. Amen!!!”

In this Kingdom, not giving attention to soul winning will stagnate your growth and your access to God’s blessings. This is why I always say this, “You need more than prayer to wax strong in God’s Kingdom”. Prayer is not the only key, it is one amongst many; though very valuable.

If I ask randomly, “how old are you spiritually?” or “how many years have you been in Christ?” You will be surprised that many people deserve to have ‘spiritual grey hair’ by the number of years they have been in Christ. But it is also evident that many Christians are old in Christ but with stunt spiritual growth. Many are old physically but babies spiritually. What will you say about church leaders with all kinds of titles, but still wallowing under demonic afflictions. It is therefore true that, many Christians are not growing; and then some are, but not at the required rate.

I pray for you that, from today, you will grow and grow with speed in Jesus name.

If you have not read “GAINING SPIRITUAL SPEED”, better get it today. It is one of our Ministry Books, and it reveals the keys that has helped me with Rapid Spiritual Growth and Development, over the years. Click here to get the book.

Why is it difficult for many Christians to share the Gospel, even when the person with you is a close friend? How can someone be close to you, and gist with you everyday, yet you withhold the Gospel of Christ for that person? Don’t you realise you are the “DOOR” to that person’s salvation?

Does it not occur to you that, every time you meet at work or in the restaurant, it is an opportunity to share the Gospel and win her or win him to Christ? Have you not realised that, when someone who you have opportunity to win, dies in their sin, you are in danger of damnation and destruction?

Eze. 3:18-19 says, “When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul”

Our responsibility is preaching and teaching, the Holy Ghost is the one who actually wins people through us. Get this straight!

Please stop joking with sharing the Gospel, PLEASE!

I discovered that one of the reasons why many Christians find it difficult to share the Gospel with friends, colleagues and associates is because of an inferiority complex. You think that;

  • Abeg, let me face the work we came here to do.
  • How will I start to say that kind of thing?
  • How will they be looking at me now?
  • Your friend has his or her life to live, abeg.
  •  Let me not disturb anyone in this office; etc.

Stop looking down on yourself, you are not just there

Stop degrading yourself, you are God’s instrument

Stop refusing the voice of the Holy Spirit, you are good enough for His use.

Yes, you are His rescue agent, to save someone in that company.

Amazing things happen when you open up to be God’s instrument beyond the four walls of your church. God wants you to win souls and help others grow everywhere; and everywhere you meet people, including your office, the market, etc; is just another opportunity

Below is a short testimony of one of my Boss, I met while I was working in somewhere in Lagos some years back.

“I met Bro. Deji when he came visiting with a colleague of mine when I had my baby (not sure if it’s my 1st or 2nd). Knowing him has been a wonderful experience. He became my spiritual guide, prayer partner. He is easy to talk to and there whenever I need advice. Even after he left the Guardian I still call him on issues. He is ‘my pastor friend’ that’s what I call him. I’m glad God brought him my way”

– Mrs Ronke

You feel inferior and incapable to preach to someone else because you do not realise the One who is sending you. You can win and grow your Boss. You feel inferior and incapable because you do not realise that the One sending you has all the authority in heaven and on earth. The One sending you to preach is the Master of the Universe.

If the president of Nigeria tells you to go meet him at the Governor’s office tomorrow; will you ever think that there is a possibility you won’t be allowed in? No! Why? Because, we are talking about the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, here!

In the case of Christ, we are talking about the Commander General of the Universal forces. When He pronounces a marching order, all the witches and wizards in your village keep still.  We are talking about the Terrible God, Ps 66:3 declares, that “…he does terrible things and His enemies submit to Him by the greatness of His Power” He has all the authority in Heaven and on the earth. And He is sending you…yes You.

He said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…”

The LORD is calling us to see everyone in our community, on our streets, in our offices and our spheres of influence; all who are not saved, as opportunities He is giving us to shine as stars in His Kingdom, Dan 12:3. He has all Power and Authority, and He is sending us with that same authority… Hallelujah!!!

Begin to see yourself as a Kingdom delegate. Say to yourself;

  • I am the King’s delegate;
  • I am on assignment for the King;
  • I have His backing to rescue men and women, old and young;
  • I have been given the authority of Christ;
  • With His authority, I shall do valiantly;
  • I shall win, not just a few, but many into His Kingdom.

Hallelujah!!! Come on, give Jesus praise!

I love NLT Version of Eph. 1:22; it says, “God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made him head over all things for the benefit of the church

Wow!!! Christ has all authority; Yes!!! But all the authority He received is for our benefit. So stop feeling inferior. Stop looking down on yourself

You may be persecuted; you might have gone through tough times, but those are temporary. They do not change the fact that Christ has all authority, and that we are the beneficiaries of all these. Hallelujah!!!

I believe you are blessed already. Amen!!!

Say to yourself;

  • I am the King’s delegate;
  • I am on assignment for the King;
  • I have His backing to rescue men and women, old and young;
  • I have been given the authority of Christ;
  • With His authority, I shall do valiantly;
  • I shall win, not just a few, but many into His Kingdom.

Now, you need to pray for yourself!!!

Ask God for mercy for every time you neglected souls He sent your way to rescue. Ask God for His mercies. Pray also for Grace to begin to win souls from now. Pray for yourself that, “Never again will any lost soul pass me without hearing the Gospel of Jesus”. Pray finally, that from today, your life will begin to bear fruits that will remain in God’s Kingdom.

I prophesy that, no matter how many years you have been born again, from today, you will begin to experience the Joy of Salvation. From now, you will begin to radiate the essence of Christianity. From today, your life will bring many to God, and bring joy to Heaven. Go and begin to bear fruits, and more fruits and much fruits in the Name of Jesus. Amen!!! God bless you. Arise!

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


Marriage is beautiful. Whether Long Distance or under one roof, marriage can be awesome. Believe me, I’ve been in both; and I’ve enjoyed it in both.

Marriage was ordained by God to be a most beautiful thing. Just look at the first marriage. Look at all the preparation that went into it. First, the creation of a beautiful world to live in, specifically the most beautiful garden ever! Then the man who was also given time to discover himself and his environment, before the introduction of the woman and thus, marriage. I’m sure the woman also had time to prepare for the journey ahead before Adam woke up and saw her.

So Adams in the house, before you fall into that sleep of searching that will awaken you into the revelation of your Eve, better make sure you have a garden well planted even if not yet bearing fruit. We’ll work the garden with you, but let it exist first.

Eves in the house, before your Adam opens his eyes and suddenly sees you (even if you were probably there all along), make sure you’re ready to be claimed as his bone and flesh, and to live in submission to that mystery.

So back to my first statement: Marriage, whether under one roof or in different continents, can be beautiful and enviable. All it takes is knowledge of how to make it work, and application of same.

Long Distance Marriage is not a new phenomenon; Especially considering the fact that there is nothing new under the sun. It was there even in Bible times. In the Bible, we read how often the men, either go to war, or take the sheep out to pasture. All these while, the women are left at home to care for the children.

Sometimes they stayed in the fields for months. Remember Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah. Why do you think David had to kill him? Because he had been away for so long that if Bathsheba delivered it would be obvious it wasn’t his child. David invited him back on holiday, but he refused to have fun with his wife while the armies of Israel were at war. Hence David had no Choice, or so he felt.

Hence this command:  

Deut. 24:5 – When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: [but] he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

However, over time, people became used to married couples living under one roof for most of their lives. Till death do them part.Very few people had Long Distance Marriage in mind when they said I Do

Nevertheless, due to the fast changing times, Long Distance Marriage is increasingly becoming the reality of many modern people. Some due to job transfers, Military deployments, gradual family relocations, a spouse with a job requiring lots of travel, Family emergencies, etc. Distance may sound like a challenge to marriage, but all it takes is a little extra effort.


Below lies the Biblical definition of true love :

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.   This is the first and great commandment.   And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.   On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37-40 KJV

On these two commandments hang all you will ever need to know about success in Marriage. Without these commandments, no marriage, no matter how romantic it was, is ready to survive. Singles in the house, let me tell you one very open powerful secret:

Marry a man or woman that loves God passionately, and you’ve gotten yourself a ticket to a most beautiful adventure.

I can’t say this enough, If I need to, I’ll come and shout it over your roof top!

If you both love God, you’ll both obey His Commands and precepts. And I tell you, the result is mind blowing. You are scared he’s cheating on you because you can’t vouch for his love for God! You are scared she’ll run away from you because you don’t know whether or not she has a relationship with God!

The second law says, love your neighbor as yourself

Note that love is not just a feeling: that’s only an aspect of it. Love is a choice: an action word it is. If you love someone, it either shows in your behavior or you are lying. If you love your spouse, you’ll be truly committed to your marriage no matter the distance.

Remember this, “that decision to beat all odds and stay together no matter what” is the first step. Half the battle is won at that point.

The remaining is action. And I’ll be outlining some briefly:


Communication is the bed rock of every relationship and is most crucial in Marriage. No matter the distance, if communication can be maintained, the marriage will stay strong. Even couples living together, if they don’t communicate, will have issues

Thank God for technology; Use it to your advantage. My husband and I has had to get used to Skype, Imo, etc. Extra cool by MTN was also very helpful. In this age and time, if you are not Tech Savvy, what are you? Use Video or Audio calls to keep in touch. Pray together online. Do midnight prayers together either through video or audio calls. Check on each other often, communicate as if you’re together

In one on one relationships, gadgets are an enemy, a distraction. In distant relationships , they become your best friends.


Use your eyes. Keep each other’s pictures everywhere around you. Research has shown that it helps. Out of sight can really become out of mind. My husband’s pictures were displayed everywhere, both for the kids sakes and for mine. I look up from my work and see his smiling eyes, and I throw him a kiss and say a Word of prayer for him. He was my screen saver and I was his. Believe me, it helps a lot.


Carry each other along as if he just went out to work or you just stepped out to the market. The only thing missing between us was the physical touch. We get up and greet each other good morning. Say prayers and share some RHEMAS.

He knows what we’re taking for breakfast, I ensure he also takes breakfast. He calls to make sure the kids have gotten to school and I’ve settled in the office. He even gets to know how the dogs and chickens are doing. I’m also constantly updated on his activities.


If you started with rule number one of marrying someone who loves God, then surely the trust is already there. Maintain It! Lack of trust is the number one Marriage Slayer. You don’t want to let that one into your marriage, trust me!

Those days, and even now, when certain fears try to steal into my heart, I will declare out loud “Lord, I thank you that the same you that is keeping me is keeping him”. And because its the truth, that ugly devil of fear and distrust flees.

Don’t assume your spouse is cheating on you. Remove that assumption far from you. Trust God to keep both of you pure. If you can resist where you are, so can him or her. Hallelujah

I see God turning every Long Distance Marriage here into a beautiful adventure like I had in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Mrs Elizabeth Anyasodo


Every home or marriage is BUILT. No marriage works on its own. No marriage works on its own, you either work it or loose it. You either BUILD it or destroy it, knowingly or unknowingly. Many people are in marriage and destroying it with their hands.

If yours is not working, it’s possible you are not putting in the right bricks or amount of cement or fitting necessary per time.  So, every marriage is BUILT into the desired edifice; and every BUILDING stands on a FOUNDATION.

The foundation is always unseen but is very fundamental to the building. No foundation, no building; Basically, your relationship/courtship days are majorly the foundation days for the marriage you want to build. Also, your early days in marriage can also contribute to the solidity of the foundation you are setting for the marriage and family.

If you have been married for years and have had a very rough marital ride? Do not bother, this teaching is also for you.

Psalm 11: 3 says, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” The righteous can rebuild the foundation! Yes!!! So even if you made mistakes at the inception of your marriage and things have been very rough for you and your spouse, I believe today is your day of Marital restoration and bliss. All you need to do is apply the principles we shall discuss, and God will bring restoration to your marriage.

I decree by the mercies of God, every marriage and home in this Commission shall begin to enjoy Heavenly Bliss in Jesus name. Amen! No more marital crisis in Jesus name. I say, No more marital crisis in Jesus name. I repeat again, No more marital crisis in Jesus name.

The type of foundation you set determines the extent to which you can build.You cannot build a skyscraper on the foundation of a bungalow;you also cannot build an enviable marriage if all you did was casually date that girl.No casual relationship can produce a lasting marriage.You cannot be casual about marriage and build a lasting home.This is why if a lady gets pregnant in a causal relationship, she must be ready to dance to a future of single parenting.

A meaningful life is never a casual one. Hallelujah!!!

So, what are the Foundations for a Successful Home?


 “Those who leave the choice of a life partner to God, always get the best”- Daddy Bayo Famonure.

I always ask young Christians, “you know that God has a great plan and future for you, doesn’t it occur to you that He also has someone in mind as a life partner for you?”

Prov. 18:22 says, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD”

But favour does not come from gallivanting to the north, or navigating to the south, or scouting through the east and west, favour comes from above. So God has someone for you. Yes!

God who led you to study that course and to choose that business, also wants to choose a wife or husband for you. When you discover (find) God’s choice for you in marriage, then you have found favour from the LORD. Stop this ‘hurry-hurry’ and sit with God to reveal His choice to you, and to settle the both of you as a couple.

I have seen a situation where a lady first knew about the guy as God’s will for her. The guy had not gotten the revelation from God. The lady went into active prayers, “Father, open the eyes of this young man to see me as the wife you have appointed for him”; and God did! Hallelujah! Please and please, do not miss God’s choice. This is the first foundation. You will not miss it in Jesus name. Amen!


If you will not pray, please do not be in a relationship or marriage. Marriage can bring or amplify spiritual problems, even when God connects you to the woman or man of His choice, you will face battles. Why? You are two different people coming from two different backgrounds, with different experiences and thought patterns. Who knows, your partner may have a very ugly past. Your partner may have unresolved battles just waiting in the future.

Relationship and courtship time is the time to;

  • Pray for the past and to keep it there;
  • Pray for the present to heal the past and set the pace for tomorrow; and,
  • Pray for the future so it does not reintroduce the past but becomes enviable and blissful.

My wife will always say, “pray so that you will not pray”. She always says that to young couples. Pray now that you are yet to marry, so that you can play when you marry. See, if you refuse to deal with foundational spiritual battles in relationship and courtship, you will be fighting so much in marriage, so much that you may not have room to remember to say, I love you!

Young people, stop deceiving yourself. All this “I love you” is good o, but it can turn sour if you do not deal with the past and build your spiritual future in the place of prayers. There is a time for everything, now is the time to pray not to be flirting with each other. If your partner is not interested in praying now, you may need to reconsider partnership. Pray about everything! Hallelujah!!!


Gen 2:25 says, _“And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed”_

Marriage is a land where shame is non-existent. If you will do well as husband and wife, you must be open to each other to the minutest things. Stop hiding your finances, earnings and expenditures. Stop hiding things, including what is locked up in your heart. If there is anything in your heart that your spouse should not know, then it does not deserve to be in your life or your heart. Anything you cannot tell your spouse, don’t do it. Nakedness is necessary for a glorious marriage. Be open about everything.

Transparency is at the root of trust in every marital relationship. You cannot be open to your spouse, and he or she will not know. Continue to be truly transparent, even if your husband is pretending not to know, it is a matter of time, he will be the one revealing his deepest secrets.

Those of you in courtship, sit down with your partner very often, in open places, and reveal to each other all that pertains to you. Let your partner know you and all your past. Do not allow him or her hear any news from an external source later on. Nakedness is a necessity for a marriage that will prosper. And distance is not an excuse. Communicate with your spouse everyday. Tell her everything. Let her be involved in your everyday life like you are on duty together.

While I was serving in Benue in 2011, and my wife was serving in Oyo, she knew the details of my every move, everyday. Give your husband daily exhaustive reports of all in your heart and life, and do it joyfully. It fuels the bond and the love. Hallelujah!!!


Love is the fuel of romantic relationship. Love is the fire that fuels your actions and your commitment to each other. You cannot be committed to a partner you do not love. Do all you can to ensure the love between you and your spouse remains on fire.

However, many people in marriage do not understand that love is in depths. Love is not love, love is in depths. Eph 5:25 says, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for her” I love her. I love her. To what extent? You want to marry her, fine! Can you die for her? This is a serious matter o!!! Can you defend her to the point of death? Can you defend that lady you want to marry even if it means opposing the world to the point of death?

Let me say this to young men…..  “Na money you dey hide, sorry for you” Women are not called to suffer. Women are married to be treasured! Love no me for mouth

If you have to suffer to take care of your wife, suffer! It is honourable! Apart from God, the next person you can die for is your wife. It is honourable! Then, in a genuine Godly home, God does not leave a home He constitutes to suffer but for a while.

See, there is no women who cannot fall for love. Love her genuinely, and show it. Prove it beyond all odds, she will stay with you. Saturate your wife’s life with love, she will remain in your castle. Women are won in love.

Women! Women!! Women!!! It is your turn!!! Eph 5:22-23 says, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body” Wives, your husband your head, he is not your mate. Your husband is your lord as Christ is your Lord; submit to him, in all things. The way Jesus is Lord over His Church, your husband is your lord, you belong to him. That is the structure in God’s Kingdom. Your husband owns you before God. If you fail, it is his fault, so submit to him and help him succeed.

Wives, do not be tempted in anger to yell, curse or disrespect him, you can never get it right with a man by being bossy. Let me tell you a secret,…. The way to the man’s heart is genuine submission. If you honour your husband as your king in words and DEEDS, you will have the key to his heart, his pocket and his loyalty.


Marriage is a school, and its true! Wedding is not an achievement, many young people do not know this. A beautiful wedding may be a testimony, but it is not an achievement. If you approach marriage with an achievement mentality, you will fail. As young couples, stay open to learn. There is so much to learn.

There are points you will get to in your Marital work and it will be obvious you do not know what to do. There is so much to learn;

  • Handling in-laws
  • Taking care of children
  • Making money
  • Multiplying money
  • Taking care of your man/wife
  • Balancing life’s pressures
  • So many things to learn o

Marriage is for those who want to learn, not for those who think they have arrived. You are the head, Yes! But there are times the head is ignorant. Be open to learn!!!

Stop treating your wife like you know everything. She is also your partner. Listen to her! Be open to learn. It is a pity and disaster to have a wife who talks like she knows everything! Peace can never be in a family where the woman talks to silent the man. Women, may you be open to learn in Jesus name.


Where there is no commitment, there will be losses. Love is not enough to keep a man and a woman as husband and wife. There must be decision to stay together and build Both husband and wife must be steadfast and unmovable. You must both believe in the marriage, the future and what God wants to do with both of you as one body.

Hallelujah!!! Marriage can face turbulent times. You may not have all things rosy.

Be willing to stay together and fight through and overcome together. Any marriage here facing tough times, today Heaven is visiting you with calm and peace in Jesus name.

Let me give this warning to wives, your husband is the head. This doesn’t mean you abandon him to wade through the tough demands of the family alone. You don’t leave him to fend for the family alone. Support your husband! Men, support your wife’s dreams. Help her succeed!

Be committed in love making. Stop starving your spouse of sex. Do not use sex to starve your spouse in order to express your anger over anything.

Be committed to each other’s dreams. Her dream is your own, his dream too is yours.


I was teaching my children this song recently…

When Jesus in the family,

happy happy home X3

When Jesus in the family,

happy happy home X2

Beautiful song! Hallelujah!!!

Allow Jesus to rule your courtship and marriage. Stop running that marriage and home outside the Lordship of Jesus! Eccl 4:12b says, “a threefold cord cannot be quickly broken” You are 1. Your partner is 2. Make Jesus the 3rd and the Lord, because “a threefold cord cannot be quickly broken”

When Jesus is in charge in your marriage, you live your lives and run your union according to His rule, and you will enjoy the joy, lasting peace, unity and bliss that Christ brings.

Yes, it’s possible that before now, you and your partner have been doing things outside Christ, but you can submit that union to the Lordship of Jesus today! Make Jesus the head of the home. Ask for mercy for all sin and waywardness. Say, “Jesus be Lord over this home and marriage”

I will also like you to pray like this…. “Father, heal every crack in my marriage, by your Lordship, Jesus, restore bliss and soundness to my home…”

We love you and we are praying for you.

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju
Empowerment Materials by Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju are available Online. CLICK HERE!


Gen. 2:18- “And the Lord God said, it is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a help meet for him”

From the beginning of time, after the creation of man, God saw that man was alone, he needed company, a support system. There were animals of all forms in the garden with Adam, but none was suitable enough to fill that void, hence the creation of THE WOMAN.

In Mark 10:7 Jesus said “For this cause shall a man LEAVE his father and mother and CLEAVE to his wife


If a man is being enjoined to leave father and mother and cleave to his wife, then there are certain vital roles she must be playing in the man`s life;

  • A role that father and mother cannot fill
  • A role that is God ordained
  • A role that would bring him health and life
  • A role that would bring him peace
  • A role that would help him fulfill God`s glorious plan for his life.

Don’t get me wrong, she is not God, neither is she the solution to all his problems. She is a powerful tool in the hands of God to help her husband become and help him build all that God wants their home to become. She is vital to charting the course of destiny for their family and generations to come.

On a lighter note, it is commonly believed that, to know how to care for a woman you need an encyclopedia or you need to do extensive research. Some people even say women don’t know what they want, therefore it is difficult to care for a woman.

Well I will have you know that, it is not simpler to care for our husbands because I have come to discover that they are big babies. They require attention and care.

They are strong on the exterior or outside when doing their jobs, but at home, their wives know the true scores.

So quickly how do you treat and care for your husband;


The man is the head of the home even as Christ is the head of the church. this applies also to being the spiritual head of the home. However, as his wife;

First, you must be his prayer partner, agree in prayers together.

The bible says “one will chase a thousand and two will chase ten thousand”. How much power do you think husband and wife possess and command together in the place of prayers?

Secondly, support him by ensuring that your children have strong scriptural foundations that will help them as children and adults. Teach them Bible verses, Christian and Godly songs, help them discover their purpose in the light of scriptures. Censor the kind of cartoons or contents they watch and listen to.

Never leave the assignment of spiritually building the home to your husband alone. If he has to be out of town or away from home for some time, ensure you are able to fill in for him and leave no void.


Be there for him when he wants to talk and unburden his mind, massage his feet and cut his nails when you can. I grew up watching my mum pick white hair from my father’s hair, I was a child but that memory has never left me. I did not understand then, but now I know they were bonding, I am sure anything my mother asked my father at that point, she would most likely get.

Give him good food. You are low on finances is not an excuse for tasteless food, work your magic. Be a good home keeper. If your family can afford a domestic staff, that’s great. If not, do what you can within your power to keep the home neat and children organized.

If you must enjoy your marriage, I beg you in God`s name, don’t ignore your husband`s physical needs.


We have touched on this a bit. Let your husband come home to wholesome words, not insults or abuses. For some women, our actions and facial expressions are worse than our words. When things are not working as you expect, how do you react to your husband? Learn to use words of affirmation in your marriage like;

  • I love you,
  • I am proud of you,
  • I believe in you,
  • You are handsome,
  • I see your progress,
  • Thank you,
  • Sex with you is amazing;

Make him feel like a king, you won`t regret it.


Support him by bringing something to the table, no matter how small. Can your husband trust you with money? Some husbands are afraid to tell their wives when they have money because she will finish spending it before the money comes. I hope you are not one of them. Be a good manager of finances. Know how to use the funds he puts in your care especially in times of financial plenty. When you cannot afford chicken, please eat fish gladly. Do not eat with all your mouth (you know what I mean); I tell you he will value you and hold you dear.


I thank God for our fathers and mothers in the faith who speak openly about sexual relations in marriage. It used to be a no go area and too holy a subject to discuss. Until it became clear that many Christian homes were breaking on account of lack of sexual satisfaction. My sisters, the truth is, this subject should not be joked with. That you got married as a virgin is no excuse to remain one after marriage; so strive to learn with your husband.

There are Christian books on the subject of sex in marriage, buy them and read them with your husband. You should not have headache every time your husband approaches you; a woman too can approach her husband for sex

The Lord will help us in Jesus Name.

Barr. Ihechi Olanrewaju



Today, we will consider some reasons why homes have cracks and evebreakup. We shall further see how to overcome these setbacks.

Honestly, there is more Power in the union of a man and woman who decide to stay together and fight, than in a legion from hell.  Don’t ever forget this!!!

Marriages do not work by wishing, Homes work because we work them!!! So whatever way yours have become, what is most important is what you make of it. My heart cry is that, every eligible single in here will be Divinely Settled in God’s choice marriage; and that every home suffering cracks, pains and setbacks will receive God’s visitation today, for complete healing and restoration in Jesus name.



Economic instability and the demands/cares of this world can cause issues in marriage. When couples refuse to be content with what they have, there will be problems. Young couples should learn to keep their eyes off comparism.  Do not compare your husband or wife with anybody. Learn to build together, and grow together.

If you see something outside that you really like, instead of coming home to thrash your wife, help her become that good. And if your partner is not responding as quick as your neighbour’s partner is, keep at it.  Be patient with each other, and learn to grow together.


Many people enter marriage with spiritual battles and marriage does not always bring an end to battles. Instead, your spouse will have to share in it. Yes, marriage can introduce you into spiritual battles.

I however believe that the Right Marriage has capacity to defeat anything opposing the couple, especially when it is not in line with God’s will. Battles are very common in marriage.  If you marry a witch, congrats, get set for witchcraft activities

Deut. 32:30says, “How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight,…..” Marriage is also a unifying force. Marry the right person, and it will become easier to access victories. Marriage can bring spiritual setbacks when you marry the wrong person. Marriage can also multiply your victories, when you get it right. Hallelujah!!!


Is it possible to marry the wrong person? Yes! If you marry an unbeliever, you have married the wrong person, because 2Cor 6:14 says, “Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers….”

 Someone said, if you marry the devil’s daughter, you become his son in-law. What will this kind of person get? Constant disaster. That will not be your portion in Jesus name. Then, if you marry the devil’s daughter, you marry a witch, you become a wizard. It is an automatic ticket. You cannot marry the devil’s child and expect to raise a Godly and peaceful home.


Many times, marriages face challenges not because of satanic attacks nor external interference but because of wrong or hasty decisions. For instance, if a couple that just got married recently, wants to live like their neighbours who have been in marriage for over 15 years, they will be making a big mistake.

Marriage is about growing, and you start from the ground. Be patient, do not allow anyone to deceive you; and do not deceive yourself. Do things at your level and give yourself time to grow. Young ladies, be patient with your young husband. This is your husband’s house not your father’s house, stop telling us how you live in your father’s house. You are here to build, learn to grow through this. Couples must learn to aspire high but appreciate God for their present level and make decisions in sincerity. If you live large at the beginning, you will drink the garri alone with your spouse.  If you make wrong financial decisions, it will affect your home.


This is the enemy you must learn how to chase off.  The strange man or strange woman is that friend, colleague, neighbour or secret admirer that you must QUENCH. In many cases, you may not even be interested in an affair, but that does not bother the stranger. The stranger is that beautiful enemy, that handsome bastard!!! The strange man/woman is the agent of the devil that wants to cause cracks in your home.


All the devil needs to raise a storm in your marriage is a love text message from a stranger. Your wife or husband will see it, and you may need the next 3 years to regain trust. Stop flirting with the strange man or woman So, please stop trying to “manage” the presence of a strange man or woman. Cut them off. Sack that girl or boy if you can’t think straight in the office.

Married women, stop giving out your number to the young man you know has an interest in you. Cut off access!!!

Married couples must also be FIRM in making your stand known to anyone who is showing you green light….

Then, do not be ashamed to discuss this with your spouse. If someone is trying to lure you as a married person, tell your spouse. Discussing this with your spouse will help you free your mind and also help your partner build better trust in you. You spouse should not be kept in the dark concerning the presence of a strange man/woman.

Why? An attack on you is an attack on your marriage and your spouse. Discuss it, so the both of you can fight it off prayerfully, together. Praise God!!!


When a husband or wife defiles the commitment to the partner, there will definitely be issues. You cannot keep two or more women and not expect trouble in your life and your marriage. Two women cannot stay in peace in one heart, unless they are there for some other gain, that they are indeed getting.

If you see a polygamous marriage where the women do not engage in rivalry, they are there for the money and getting it. And that is not marriage. God’s intent for marriage is, one man and one wife.

 If you are a married man or woman, and begin to desire another partner, you need to get into the place of prayer, and kill the flesh that longs to kill you and your marriage.


Many young people gather all the knowledge on how to organize a splendid wedding, but they know nothing about caring for a woman or man. You need more than a fine face and figure 8 to keep a man. There is also a difference between impregnating a woman and keeping a wife.

One of the foremost reasons why many marriages do not work, is because of little knowledge. People go to school for 5 or more years to earn academic knowledge but will not dedicate the required efforts needed to gain the knowledge needed for a successful home.

Is knowledge needed for success in marriage? Yes!

Matt 19:3-4 says, “The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female”

When Jesus was to answer the question concerning marriage, He asked them about reading, “…have ye not read…” This is why I and my wife always insist on reading for those on our Relationship Mentoring list. We read over 15 books when we were in courtship. And this was apart from Counselling sessions, seminars, retreats, etc. Love is not enough to keep a marriage

Many people are in love and still break up. You need more than love to keep a marriage intact. You must learn! You must read. You must know! If not you will mess up!


When husband and wife have different and opposing dreams, thought patterns and mental perceptions, there will be issues that prayers may not be able to resolve. These differences can be as little as how to brush your teeth. Some people believe you brush in the bathroom, some believe you brush outside the house, while some people grew up brushing in the kitchen. Have you seen some people brushing their teeth? There will be so much noise you think they are scrubbing jeans. To some people, your teeth is not clean until you scrub like jeans.

For marriage to work, intending couples must have enough time in courtship to discover each other’s differences and find common grounds. Many young people rush into marriage without knowing much about their partner. After a few months, she starts to manifest!!!

Give yourself enough time to know each other, understand your differences and discover your aligning points. Discuss your opinions well enough and agree on how your family and marriage will run, before going into marriage.


This is one of the foremost reasons why many homes suffer crisis; and if this is not carefully handled, it usually leads to marital break. Gen 2:24 says, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” God’s design for marriage is non-interference from family and other external factors.

Man is destined to LEAVE family and CLEAVE to his wife. This does not mean parents, brothers and sisters cannot visit and give opinions but EVERYBODY must allow the new couple grow. Everyone, no matter how close to the husband of wife, must respect the liberty of a New Family and allow them strive and blossom.

Couples must be allowed to decide on what will work for their new home. The place of parents remain love, advice and prayers. Parents and in-laws can visit, but this must be as agreed by the couple. Every marriage must be allowed to WORK on the unity and terms that both couples feel comfortable with.

There are parents who do not believe they should keep their ears and ears off certain matters in their son’s marriage. There are mothers who believe the daughter in-law must do everything they want. The husband of the home must learn to respectfully keep ‘Mama’ where she belongs. Your wife is the 1st lady in your life and she owns your house. Learn to establish this respectfully! Do not allow anyone rubbish her.


 It is a complete error to take issues between you and your spouse and discuss with friends, colleagues and partners. It is deadlier to discuss your marital issues with the opposite sex. Do not expose your wife’s weakness to a female colleague. She may seek to offer you the satisfaction you appear to lack.

If there are matters to be resolved, discuss with your spouse. If you have tried this option and it does not work, go to your Pastor or trusted Marriage Counsellor.

Get down and make your Home Work.

God bless you, bless and preserve your Marriage in Jesus name. Amen.

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju
Empowerment Materials by Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju are available Online. CLICK HERE!


Welcome to the second half of this year. July 2020 is our month of Open Heavens. Isa 32:15-20 says, “Until the spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest. Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever. And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places; When it shall hail, coming down on the forest; and the city shall be low in a low place. Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters, that send forth thither the feet of the ox and the ass”

The consequences of Open Heavens shall be evident in your life and across the nations of the earth. Honestly, the results of Open Heavens cannot be fully considered in this note. However, it is necessary to expressly reveal some very relevant points, so your faith can be spurred.

In this month, God will be doing strange things but He will leave the manifestations in our hands. What I mean is, God has victories and testimonies prepared for you in every area of life, including matters where you have previously suffered defeat and setbacks; but God will not leave us without participating in this Divine Order. We have a role to play in enforcing that which Divinity is doing on the earth. July 2020 is a month where you can “Take it All”.

When a man has his Heavens Open, all things are available to him. Everything good is in Heaven and when Heaven opens up for you, even your fallow grounds and dry lands will enjoy rain. I have good news for someone reading this, your struggles will expire this month. July is too loaded to be taken casually. The clouds are full, it is time for your Rain. God’s people will see notable progress, and things that were previously difficult, shall become easy to handle.

In July 2020, we shall see more of God’s Kingdom order established across various spheres of influence. There shall be a drastic rise in Kingdom influence across the nations of the earth. Many more individuals, businesses, institutions and governments will adopt righteous structures for running their daily affairs. Heaven shall be established on the earth. God’s people will enjoy peace, progress and prosperity.

God demands however that we open our mouths and He will fill it up. July is strategically for spiritual commanders. Those who will lift up their voice will enjoy the backing of God and the workings of Angels. You cannot afford to be quiet and look through as usual. The season is in need of men who will Rise Up and take Spiritual Responsibility. God will be giving Spiritual Echo to our voices, so we enjoy resounding Spiritual command. God has released angels from His presence to swiftly respond to our voices and provoke supernatural miracles.

It is necessary to remind you that Heaven only answers to the command of children of God. So if you are not a child of God, or if you are living in sin, these glorious benefits cannot be yours, until you repent of all your sin. Confess your sins and make Jesus the Lord over your life. Say this Prayer:

“Father, I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died on the Cross for me to be saved. Have mercy on me and wash me clean with the Blood of Jesus. Come and be my Lord and Saviour. From today, I am born again, and receive grace for this race. Thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen!”

Congratulations, now you are born again. Please inform us of your Salvation, so we can pray along with you and help you grow spiritually. Click Here to contact us.

Indeed, July 2020 is for Commanding the Supernatural. I admonish you to join us in 31 Days of Prayer Rain and Open Heavens, running from 1st – 31st July 2020. We shall be Streaming Live on Facebook by 8.00 – 9.00am (NGR Time). Join Us Here. Welcome to your Season of Open Heavens. God bless you. Arise!!!

Deji David Olanrewaju

Join me by 5.00pm today for Online Champions Forum on WhatsApp, where I am be teaching on THE MYSTERIES OF OPEN HEAVENS. Click Here to Join.


Welcome to June 2020, our Month of GOOD SUCCES. Joshua 1:8 says, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Definitely, there is a difference between Success and Good Success.

What is Good Success?

  • Good Success is generating outstanding and expected results in every area of life.
  • Good Success is not just doing well but achieving God’s purpose and expectations for your existence.
  • Good Success is prospering without any form of deficiency.
  • Good Success is doing well in every area of life.
  • Good Success is having a balanced life, with every area bringing you good news and joy.
  • Good Success is living a life of Championship and triumph in all things.

It is God’s plan that you do well in all things. How can you be rich and then have health issues? That is not good success! Some people are doing well in their career but barren without child; that is not Good Success. I have seen Pastors with big churches but cannot keep a stable marriage; that too is not Good Success.

I have no doubts that as God’s Word has come, He will fix everything deficient and lacking in your life. Your Championship is paramount to God; and I like the way NLT version quotes Joshua 1:8, “Study this book of instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”  God plan is that you succeed in all that you do; Hallelujah!

Scripture is clear that, “…only then…” Only when? Only when you observe to do all that is written in God’s Word. Championship and all round success is not a Prophetic Blessing. It is a Conditional Covenant Blessing.

Below are 7 Truths we can deduce from our Anchor Scripture;

  • God’s Word has all the secrets to success in every area of human endeavour: finances, family, career, marriage, relationship, business, academics, etc.
  • God’s Word is the Manual for our Prosperity and all round Success.
  • If you are not doing well in a particular area of life, it is either because you have not discovered what to do in Scripture, or you have not applied the necessary discovery.
  • It is obedience to Scriptural Truths and Application of revealed Secrets that guaranty your Success.
  • Revelation is the bedrock for your Success.
  • Revelation doesn’t just pop out. It comes only by dedicated meditation on God’s Word.
  • Meditation on God’s Word must be continuous and consistent in order for it to deliver the Power therein.

I hereby welcome you to the Month of Discovery and Application of Scriptural Secrets that will secure your All Round Success. If you have been suffering defeat in a particular area, it is time to dive into God’s Word and access His timely agenda. Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” You have recorded enough defeat. An end has come to your secret tears in this month of June. Get down into Scripture to discover what is written concerning that matter of concern. As you access revelations, obey all of God’s instructions and no devil in hell can stop your triumph anymore.

I decree that from today, you all round success is established in Jesus name. I like to admonish you to join us for Online Champions Forum, every Wednesday by 5.00pm. Throughout this month, we shall be discussing God’s Secrets for Championship and All Round Success. I prophecy that everyday in June 2020 shall bring forth testimonies for you in Jesus name. Amen.

The foundation of success is Salvation. Anything you have outside Christ is vanity. If you have not surrendered your life to Christ or if you have been going to church but not living a life that pleases God, you need to return to Him now. Confess this Prayer: “Father, I am a sinner. I repent of all my sins, have mercy on me and wash me clean with the Blood of Jesus. I confess today that Jesus is my Lord and my Saviour. I am born again, in Jesus name. Amen!”

Congratulations. God bless you. Arise!!!

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju