A Missionary is anyone who is serving the Lord in a strange land, amongst a people not previously familiar to him or her. Missions is not limited to Pastoring and running a Church in a foreign field. Missions cut across various career fields. Today, we have Medical Missionaries; these are Doctors, Nurses and other Medical practitioners who are attending to the health needs of selected people groups and using this to draw men into God’s Kingdom. We have Media Missionaries. We also have Education Missionaries, these are Educators, Administrators, Teachers, etc, who are setting up and sponsoring Mission Schools in rural areas, as a means of winning communities to Jesus. The concept of Missions is very vast, we keep seeing the Lord do new things through this Outreach Enterprise for the rescue of the souls of people across the nations. So, the next time you see a Missionary, he could be a Professional who has set his “Isaac” on the Altar of God, to burn as Sacrifice to win the world.

Missions need support in diverse forms. From Prayers, to Personnel, to Funding, to Visitations; many things are needed to keep the man or woman on the field alive and productive. And, this is the collective effort of the Church, the Bride of JESUS on the earth.

Among others, I will list 4 things that can happen when you withdraw support for a Missionary on the field. This is not to bring resentment or guilt to anyone who has withdrawn help from a Missionary or Missions Agency. This note is to encourage you and the entire body of Christ to Rise Up, because men and women or leaving the field in their numbers.

  • Weakness

Recently, I watched as a Missionary’s Performance level kept dropping. I spoke to another Minister of the need to help that young Missionary. The personnel in question confided in me, of how difficult it has been for him to raise funds for the work. He was getting weak, and it was obvious, at least to those who had the experience to see from afar.

Money is not the only thing that Ministry and Missions need. But when this is lacking; frustration, low self esteem and depression can set in. Don’t allow the Missionary you are sent to help, run into weakness.

  • Doubt

Apart from trusting God for funds for the work, every Missionary needs support for personal and/or family upkeep. Do you know that there are Missionaries who are running projects that you applaud, yet they lack basic necessities for their livelihood? If your Church congregation support Missionaries, take time to visit your missionaries on the field; these people are trained to play down their needs for the sake of pushing the Gospel; you will be shocked what some of them pass through, while giving you positive Missions Reports.

If funding is low and it continues, many Missionaries begin to doubt their calling, or doubt the possibility of success on the field. Many Missionaries are running for luxurious fields, abandoning their place because of the inability to lay hold on necessary funding and support. How can a man who no longer sees success in his work, survive the harshness of the field?

  • Unfaithfulness

You hear of pastors who cut corners because they are in your cities. Missionaries are in the bush, some of them cut corners too. Missionaries face the same temptations as pastors, when support is scarce. No one has an excuse for unfaithfulness in this Kingdom. But, the pressures are light when the common wealth is available to all through those sent to do the distribution.

Recently, the Lord showed me a revelation of how people in the church of today are digging the graves of Ministers. When the man is starved, it becomes harder to perform.

If you withdraw support for a Missionary, you have left him to the strong whip of the devil. Your support is encouraging, refreshing and cultivates a sense of belonging for the Missionary and his family.

If there is someone you should not abandon, after Jesus and your spouse, it is the Missionary that GOD has sent you to. Release your support for them.

  • Replacement

A Missionary must continue in prayers and in practice to win and retain quality relationships that will keep the support he needs flowing. However, some times, the support does not come, so many Missionaries result into other strategies proven in Scripture, to earn their livelihood and the funding they need.

I believe that God is always true, He will be with us unto the end of the age. No one has the permanent title of “helper of destiny.” If God has blessed one financially and he refuses to give the support he has received from Above, God will send another to help and support Missions.

If you withdraw support for a Missionary, God will replace you! Don’t abandon God’s project committed to your care. Arise!

Did this article bless you? Please share!

Like to learn more about our Missions work, scan through this website. You could also contact us on WhatsApp: +234 817 040 7813. God bless you.

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


What God Has Revealed to Me Concerning The Second Half of 2022

Happy New Month of July 2022; and welcome to your Season of Encounters with GOD. Dan 11:32b says, “…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

The second half of 2022 is launching humanity into a Season of Encounters with GOD. People will see God more practically and evidently. His dealings will no longer be far; His judgements will not just be read, but seen. His touch will become real like when a man touches you with his hands. There will be series of manifestations of Heaven and the Supernatural like we have never known it before.

I remember as a young believer on campus, I heard series of Encounters with the Holy Spirit, with Angels, with Jesus and the LORD God Himself. Maturity in Faith is what has helped me to recognize and understand the difference. On one occasion, I was awake, sitting on my bed, praying at midnight. Then, I began to doze and I felt the strong hand of God touch me; it was so real. I woke up sharply and continued to pray. On another occasion, I was praying at night too. This time I lay on my bed and it was not long before I slept off. But I remember I had my wrist watch on, my Bible and a lit candle were beside my bed. By morning when I woke up, my Bible was by my side, but the candle was off and my wrist watch was no longer on my hand but on the Bible. I knew immediately that an Angel had visited me and left me with signs. Ohhh, praise God. Encounters with God are real; and you will begin to enjoy them.

For the Believer, Encounters are primarily to help us “know Him;” and when we know Him, we become strong and full of exploits, Dan 11:32b. Encounters come to Strengthen the Believer. The LORD told me that in this season, Believers will enjoy encounters that will bring Strength to overcome the wave of oppression and oppositions we are facing, but collectively and otherwise. Are you a Child of GOD? He will show up for you this time around. In Acts 4, the disciples were threatened and opposed; then in verse 24, they prayed unto God. In verse 31, the Bible says, “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.” This was an Encounter with the Holy Spirit, and instead of being intimidated, they were strengthened and boldly continued in the LORD’S work. Are you intimidated? Expect an Encounter today!

The Church of GOD in Nigeria should not be intimidated by insurgency, kidnappings, banditry and jihad. The Church should pray and be bold; rise against wicked leaderships and remove them from office. There will be series of practical evidences of GOD’S presence amongst us from now. Be strong!

Christians who have not been walking in sincerity with God will experience these Encounters in a different light. Saw years back, I saw a research about Jonah in the Bible. The research revealed that, after Jonah came out of the whale, his skin was altered, he became a man of deformed skin colours because of the chemicals in the belly of the sea animal. Those who refuse to obey GOD’S Instructions would experience GOD’S dealings. The LORD told me that some churches, ministers and projects will “go down for a while.” Some big names will disappear from the screens for a while. They must Encounter GOD and learn. Hallelujah!

There will be encounters in the world too. Encounters sometimes come as judgements, and as forceful interruptions. Saul experienced a sharp interruption of his trip to Damascus in Acts 9: 1 – 9. Many people of other religions, who GOD has marked for use, will begin to Encounter Jesus in this manner. Like a wrestling slam, the Lord will pull them down and redirect them into His agenda.

Then, there will be judgements, and more deaths and sudden collapse of some who think they are in power. The political leadership in Nigeria has begun to shake. There will be Encounters, some of them will not be able to survive the wrath of His judgement, while some will survive but with irrecoverable bruises. In whatever way GOD’S encounters leave the wicked, they will submit to His Lordship. They wicked must fall!

People of God, I welcome you again to our Season of Encounters with GOD. What does God require of us? The answer is in Phil. 3:10-11: “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead.”

God requires that we increase in the knowledge of His personality. Know GOD! Come closer to Him. Attend to Him, don’t just attend Church. The more of God you know, the more of His Strength and Anointing you will carry. Then you can do more exploits for His glory. Throughout the month of July 2022, I will be teaching on HOW TO PROGRESS IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD! Join our Ministry Online Forum to enjoy these teachings; CLICK HERE!

Knowing God begins with surrendering your life to His Son. Jesus Christ is the only way to GOD, He is the only one that can save you from sin, hell and eternal damnation. Give your life to Jesus now, say this Prayer of salvation,

“Lord Jesus, I believe you died for me and rose from the dead, in order to save me. I confess that I am a sinner; and I receive your work of salvation. Have mercy on me. I repent of all my sin. From now, you are my Lord and Saviour. I am Born Again; I am a Child of God; and I receive Championship over sin, satan and the world. Amen!”

Congratulations! Now, you are a Child of GOD! I like to invite you to join our Ministry Forum on Whatsapp, where I mentor Champions to grow in their walk with Christ. CLICK HERE to Join.

We are running Daily Early Morning Prayers throughout July 2022. Join us for PRAYER RAIN 2022. Time: 5.00am – 6.00am. Like my facebook Page here to participate; CLICK HERE.

God bless you. Arise!

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Deji David Olanrewaju


All the glory and praise to God for His Mercies and Threshing Testimonies throughout the year 2021. We enjoyed His making and indeed, He has qualified us for High Flight in the year 2022. To Jesus be all the praise!

Every season carries the womb to birth the next. And even when God manifests a complete change, He does this to His strategies and not to His Covenant. So, no matter what you went through in the year 2021, God did not change His Covenant plans concerning your life. The Prophecies ordained for your life and destiny are still valid. In fact, we have only come closer to their fulfilments. You should be excited!

2022 is our Year of HIGH FLIGHT. Our anchor Scripture is Habakkuk 3:19, “The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.” God’s ultimate agenda for His people in 2022, is Great Lifting; and this will manifest in 3 basic ways;

* Prosperity

God’s people will prosper so much that there will be no logical reason for you to envy anyone in the world, no matter how rich they are. Those who serve God genuinely will enjoy prosperity in all works of their hands.

* Great Honour

The LORD will greatly exalt His elects. Believers will enjoy Great Lifting, more like Prison to Palace Testimonies. Across all works of life and in Politics and Leadership, God will break the rank and files, there will be overtaking. He will set His elects in highly exalted positions. Hallelujah!

* 3600 Turn Around Testimonies

There will be Complete Change of Stories for God’s people. I believe this is specifically for those who have struggles for long, yet been waiting on the LORD. There will be Amazing Testimonies of Complete Change of Story for God’s People across the nations.

God told me that specifically as a Commission, and as Champions and Partners, in the year 2022, we will enjoy Speed with Accuracy. The yoke of delay will no longer stay with you. You will gain speed, and every step you take from the year 2022, will be accurate. This means no more error and mistakes in your life. Oh, glory to Jesus.

These are basic things that God will be doing in the lives of His people. However, the LORD told me why He is bringing us on this High Flight.


The LORD brought the image of a mountain to me, and I began to see His people high on His mountain. Then the LORD said to me, “I am bringing you on high, so you do not suffer my wrath coming upon the nations.” The Spirit of God began to give me understanding that for the people of the world, the killings, disasters and tragedies will not only continue but will increase.

2022 will be very horrible for sinners. It is too dangerous to be casual with the LORD. This is not about just making new year resolutions or hanging around Church. If you are not planted in the LORD, you cannot ascend His Mountain Top.


  1. Be Genuinely Born Again

It may be worse for those who are in church but not in Christ, because you will see great things happening in the lives of those you thought were too spiritual, but things will be opposite for you.

Church does not save, Christ does. It is the soul that is saved in Christ that the Church can help. John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”

Salvation is empowerment for living like God. You cannot afford not to be fully on Christ’ side. No deceiver will be able to escape God’s wrath in this new season.

Give your life to Jesus now, say this prayer from your heart: “Lord, I am a sinner. Have mercy on me. I believe Jesus died for me, and I accept His finished work on the Cross. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. From now, I am born again. I receive Championship over satan, sin and the world, in Jesus name. Amen”

2. Be a Dedicated Kingdom Servant

The Spirit of God told me that, “In 2022, there will be a great gap between those who serve God and those who do not.” 2022 is a year of the Reward of God’s servant; those who serve Him in Ministry and in the workplace; those who refuse to seek fetish powers and manipulations to do ministry; those who have stayed in their place and not followed the deceiver. God will reward us. Hallelujah!

NLT version of Is. 52:13 says, “See, my servant will prosper, he will be highly exalted” Everyone who is genuinely committed to God’s work at their appointed place, will enjoy Prosperity and Great Honour. God will prove Himself as the Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.Where have you been sent to go? Go there!

What have you been called to do? Go and do it!

 Go and serve God. Stay in God’s purpose, reward is here.

God’s servants will Rejoice. Hallelujah!

3. Stay Joyful

There will be so much trauma in the world. The nations only saw an introduction in 2021. Those who lack the Strength of the Almighty God that comes by the Spirit of Joy, you will live in sorrow.

No matter what happens around you, you must stay joyful, thankful and praiseful, so that you continue to operate by His strength and at His realm. Do not allow anything steal your joy. Do not allow anyone or anything trick you into murmuring or complaining against God. Keep the atmosphere of praise intact, this is the secret to keep God on your side through the year.

It takes the Oil of Gladness to stay joyful. Ask the LORD to release His Spirit of Joy into you afresh.

I see the year 2022 answer to you in Prosperity, Great Lifting and 3600 Testimonies in your life, home, Ministry and works in Jesus name. You will not be left behind on this High Flight move. You will not lack speed nor precision; and the wrath coming on this age will not catch up with you in Jesus name. Amen!

I like you to join me on Facebook Live, by 12.00noon (WAT) for PROPHETIC SIGNALS FOR 2022. I will be releasing God’s Prophetic Blessing upon you, your family, Ministry and all the works of your hands. CLICK HERE to Like my Facebook Page, so you can join the broadcast.

Happy New Year and Welcome you onboard High Flight 2022 in Jesus name. Amen. We are praying for you. God bless you. Arise!

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


Recently, I was privileged to talk to a Church Congregation in Lagos about Missions and how the Church can help. It is needful to start by letting you know that this Church is not new to Missionary enterprise. From my research, the Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria is one of the Churches that is known to send, give and support missions across the world; and this has been on for decades.

So, when Rev. Akingbade Adeyemi, the District Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church, Ikorodu 4 District Headquarters, told me to tell his people what they can do to further help missions, I was amazed. I commend his commitment to the Master’s heartbeat. I encourage many more Pastors and Church Leaders to follow suit.

There are many things the Church can do to help Missions. However, in about 10 minutes, I shared these 3 points with my host. I believe these are some of the most important right now….

1. Send ‘Made’ Men

I am on the field and travel very often as God leads me. I have observed that many missionaries are leaving the field. The passion can be skyrocketing at the beginning, but along the line, due to many unfavourable forces, man made and spiritual, commitment can slide down the slope. There are very many reasons why missionaries withdraw from the field. In this season of increasing security issues, many missionaries have paid the supreme price, and this can be very discouraging.

I believe the terrain of missions have changed greatly. Our fields have evolved. Apart from the spiritual forces, the enemy has made the battle more relatable; instead of casting out witches, stand the gun and threats to life. Missions is not for the faint hearted.

The Bible calls us to pray that God will send labourers into the field. It takes labourers to survive in the field today. The Church should be more cautious about the caliber of men she sends to the field. God will rather delay a man of vision than send him into a field where he will not last. We should give more attention to building men, instilling capacity into men before sending them.

2. Pray! Pray!! Pray!!!

While in the service on Sunday, the Senior Pastor led us all to pray for over 30mins. I was excited, that was not the normal Sunday Service that many of us know. If people do not come for weekly prayer meetings, get them praying on Sunday when they come for service.

If we do not pray, we will faint. Any missionary that does not pray will collapse on the field. The Church should pray for us. Pray for Missionaries, Agencies and Ministers in rural and foreign fields. Prayers travel to save the faint and lift the weak. Many times, we don’t know how far our prayers go.

Pray for me, my family and Ministry team.

3. Supports

Missionaries need all kinds of support. Personally, I draw encouragement from the knowledge that someone cares for me and thinks about me. It’s very relieving to be far from the cities but know that you are not alone.

Churches should send support to missionaries;

– Send regular financial supports;

– Send Bibles, literature and other welfare materials that can aid the work;

– Send personnel and staff for short-term and long-term missions work;

– Communicate very often with missionaries via calls, emails, etc. This goes a long way in boosting morale;

– Send training support. Help missionaries with training that can facilitate their capacity to win souls, keep souls and increase their ability to be self-reliant. Pick one or more missionaries and/or agencies you will begin to support from now.

Return All Global Ministry (RAGM) has room to accept, train and send those who perceive God is calling them into short-term and long-term missions work. Missions is key; it is our corporate responsibility. Jesus is winning. Our Championship is inevitable. We Arise!

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju

August 2021: FRESH FLAMES

Hallelujah! Welcome to the Month of August 2021, our Month of FRESH FLAMES, Acts 4:31. Yes, you have toiled and exerted so much Spiritual energy thus far this year. God is aware. For many, 2021 was to begin with new hopes and dreams, but the first half of the year was still a fall out of the stiff pressures of last year.

The Spirit of God has a new agenda for August 2021. Let us consider our anchor scripture for the month. Acts 4:31 says, “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.”

Before this time, in Acts chapter 2, the Disciples of Christ had their first encounter of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. This dramatic experience led to speaking in diverse tongues and an audacity in the Disciples. Peter stood up to the crowd, preached the Gospel of Jesus and 3000 souls were won. This was dramatic.

However, the continuity of the Ministry of Christ did not happen without stiff opposition. So in Acts chapter 4, after some threats and flogging, they needed a RECHARGE. They needed MORE to overcome what was coming. This is exactly what the LORD is doing in August 2021.

I heard the LORD say, “Get ready for a New Anointing”. In August 2021, the LORD will be releasing FRESH FLAMES for His Church upon the earth. This is necessary at this time when across the nations, and especially in Nigeria, the body of Christ is facing persecutions and many untold hardships.

FRESH FLAMES will be released upon us individually too to overcome the phases that have hindered us. Sir and Ma, the Manifold Blessings and Threshing Testimonies designed for 2021 MUST COME TO PASS. So, we MUST press into them by accessing New Levels of FIRE.

I admonish you to corporate with Heaven, especially now. Acts 4:31 says, “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.” Though flogged and threatened, they receive Fresh Anointing to forge ahead. They became bold instead of going timid. They prayed into New Depths of the Power of the Holy Ghost. Are you set?

Press further in August 2021. You might have been slowed down, but do not pack up. Get up; a New Anointing and a Higher Grace is coming upon you. The Overcomer’s Anointing is coming on us this month. Your Spiritual position matters. Come UP. Press in. FRESH FLAMES are here. Arise!


Welcome to the Month of March 2021. Better Days are here and your stories of obscurity are rolled away. It’s our Month of BETTER THINGS. NLT version of Hebrews 6:9 says, “….We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation.” KJV version of Hebrews 12:24 further confirms that, “And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than the blood of Abel.” Hallelujah!

There is a Prophetic agenda of God for this month of March 2021. This month is purposely designed for those who have experienced delay, setbacks and have patiently waited on God for His promise. I have received a word from God that, “March 2021 is a month of fulfilment of God’s promises.” In Heb. 6:15, the Bible says, “Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised.” In this month, God will be visiting everyone who has waited patiently for Him. Those who have waited on God for a marital partner shall receive their answers this month. Those who have been waiting solely on God for the fruit of the womb will receive conception this month. In March 2021, waiting on the Lord shall pay off with public proofs in Jesus name. What have you been waiting in the Lord for? This month, your expectation shall be delivered. Hallelujah!

The rewards of salvation will be evident in our lives. Before now, it was easy for people to scorn you and insult you for righteous living. But from now, you will be the admirable one, because there are better things that come with salvation. God will distinguish His people from pretenders in the house. The power, riches, wisdom, strength, glory, honour and blessing that accompany salvation, shall be evident in our lives from now on. I hear the Spirit of God say, “He will beautify us with the riches of salvation.” Everything that the shed Blood of Jesus won for us, will be on full display in our lives and homes. Hallelujah!

Better days are here; and we have a responsibility to step into them. All of God’s promises deliver on the platform of faith. We must apply ourselves to His word to see them manifest. Better days are here, and this means, we must let go of the thoughts, sufferings and addictions of the perceived good-old-days. God has better things in stock for us. Be willing to cast your nets into new waters as God leads you. Get ready to take new risks. Be prepared to dive into new realms of sacrifice. There is always a higher price for the higher calling. Throw in your faith for new and better dimensions of God in this month of March 2021.  

However, it all starts with Genuine Salvation. Better Things come only with salvation. You might have been in church for years but if you are not saved, the Better Things that the Blood speaks about cannot reflect on your life. Receive Jesus today, confess the Prayer of Salvation below;

“Father, I am a sinner and I confess all my sin. Have mercy of me, wash me clean with the Blood of Jesus and make me your son. I confess Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. From now, I am born again, I am a new creature in Jesus name. Amen!”

Congratulations! Welcome to your season of Better Things.

Join me and other believers for Weekly Fellowship and Prayer sessions on WhatsApp. This way, you can learn God’s word and become strong in faith. Click Here to join. God bless you.

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


Giving God our first and best, and not our leftovers

As the name implies, First Fruit is the initial income you receive; the first salary for the year or the first/best profit from your business transactions and investments in the first month. It is also the increase you receive above your regular income. First Fruit is not a Ministerial strategy for raising funds, it is a Scriptural instruction.

Please understand that every instruction has covenant rewards. And so, every giving strategy in God’s word, come with specific blessings. For instance, giving your tithe to God faithfully, assures you of Open Heavens, Divine ideas for prosperity and the rebuke of devourers.

First Fruit is a clear Biblical instruction. Ex 23:19 – “The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring into the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother’s milk.”

If you study through Scripture, you will realize that God does not joke with the first. In Matt. 6:33, the Bible says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Whenever you put God first, He puts your needs next on His agenda. For many years, little has been taught concerning this Mystery of Giving, but I believe the time has come for you to apply this Kingdom treasure and begin to enjoy the benefits of God therein.

There are covenant blessings for those who bring their First Fruit to God, and you can begin to engage them immediately. Some of them include;

First Fruit Attracts Generational Blessing

Whenever you give your First Fruit, you are not just blessed, your entire household is blessed. Ezek 44:30 says, “And the first of all the firstfruits of all things, and every oblation of all, of every sort of your oblations, shall be the priest’s: ye shall also give unto the priest the first of your dough, that he may cause the blessing to rest in thine house.” First Fruit makes your entire household to be blessed; your marriage, children and generation comes under the cover of God’s covenant blessing. Because of the generational effect of First Fruit, generational curses give way for Covenant Blessings when you put God first in your financial income. Hallelujah!

God Preserves your Remaining Income for the Year

When you give God your First Fruit, it means you have considered Him first in your finances, and anyone who puts God first never comes last. When you put God first in your finances, He makes your finances His priority. According to Matt 6:33, all the things that people are hustling for, they come as additions to you, without sweat or struggles. Giving God your First Fruit will provoke preservation for all other income you will earn for the year. Rom 11:16 says, “For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.” When you give God first, you have set it apart as holy unto the Lord; and automatically, all other incomes in the year are made holy. So God preserves them from waste.

First Fruit provokes God to preserve and secure all your other income throughout the year. You will not be able to waste funds or resources. He will ensure that all that you earn is preserved. Glory to God.

First Fruit Provokes Overflowing Blessing

I believe that First Fruit is the highest form of financial honour to God. That is why Prov 3:9-10 says, Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.”

Giving God your First Fruit launches you into the realms of overflowing blessings. Personally, I discovered that since I started giving my First Fruit, no matter the financial budget of Ministry Project we set out to do in the year, we always accomplish the targets with financial resources untouched. In fact, the last National Retreat we had, we received support from a Ministry Partner for a meeting that had ended. It is a mystery.

First Fruit launches you into filled barns and overflowing storehouses. You begin to experience the more-than-enough order of provisions. You stop struggling to get things done, and after achieving your goals ordained by God, you still have finances and resources untouched. Now, that’s a height of blessing!

Are you ready to take your walk with God to the next level? Will you begin to honour God financially with the First and Best part of your income? Our financial seeds are worthless before God if we are not saved. He requires we first come, giving our lives, before giving our seeds. You may be attending church and even be in a service group, but if you are still living in sin, you need to repent. Return now by confessing the Prayer below, genuinely from your heart;

“Lord Jesus, I have sinned but I return to you today. Have mercy on me and wash me clean from all iniquity. I confess you as my Lord and Saviour. From today, I am born again. I receive Championship over sin and satan. Thank you Jesus. Amen!”

Congratulations! Please download my free book WINNING THE WAR AGAINST YOUR DESTINY; Click here.

If the Spirit of GOD is instructing you to give to Him through our Ministry, please CLICK HERE to give your Financial Seed Online or Access our Ministry Bank Account Details. GOD BLESS YOU GREATLY!

God bless you richly. Arise!

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


You Must be Genuinely Born Again

John 1:12 says, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name”

Salvation brings empowerment. Receiving Jesus births you into the realms of Power, where you can command the pace and thresh oppositions.

This is not about being a Church goer, but having a genuine and intimate relationship with the Holy Ghost. God will not give His Threshing Authority to a gentile. If you are still living in sin, you will be a spectator this year. Sit up with your walk with Christ.

Do Not Be Afraid

Fear will still be very instrumental in the hands of the devil in this year 2021. I decree that fear will not prevail against you. Have you noticed the recent wave of pandemic threats? People spread fake the news more than the News Stations. Do not be one of the pandemic slaves. Do not be afraid. Why shouldn’t you be afraid? What they say is coming, is not your portion.

I learnt some years back from Bible Researchers that ‘Fear Not’ is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. This is wonderful! Whatever you hear on news, whatever you see, whatever day of the year, just remember that God is saying to you, “Fear Not”

Why shouldn’t you be afraid? “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” Ps. 91:1. Fear not. God is with you. Beat your chest and declare, “God is with me and my household!”

Forget about your Background

Is 41:14 says, “Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the LORD, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel”

Jacob was called a worm, even God acknowledge his weakness. But his story was about to change. Forget about where you are coming from and what has been surrounding you. Get ready, the year of your change has finally come. Praise God!

Men do not stay on the ground because of their background but because they choose to stay on the ground. Forget about what you have been called. Forget about your regrets, losses and failures. Drop the past and let go. Do not carry the baggage of unforgiveness and resentment in 2021, it will slow you down. Travel without barriers this year. Get ready to zoom! Hallelujah!

Decide to Enforce a Change

Actually, every genuine child of God is a change agent. Christ calls us to make us and then, to send us into spheres of influence as Transformers of nations. Mark 3:14.

The prodigal son did not regain sonship by wishing and just praying; he did by making a new decision. He said, “…Now I will arise and go to my father…..”

What decisions did you make that got you stuck where you are? What decisions do you need to make in order to make emphatic progress? Right decisions enforce dramatic change. Decide to be different. Decide to lead a good and Godly life. Decide to make a notable change in 2021. Make your decisions now, and write them down.

Take Responsibility for Your Life and Destiny

Nothing great comes by luck or by lottery. Everything great is birth on the platform of responsibility. Young believers need to wake up from the sentiments of religion and take the future by the horn.

Micah 4:13 says, “Arise and Thresh….” You cannot be in charge until you charge forward. Dr Mensah Otabil said, “Those who want to travel far must have their tank full…” You cannot command this year as a spiritual lightweight. Mighty weapons are only usable by mighty men. Stand up to the challenge of the season.

The prodigal son negotiated for slavery but regained sonship. Many things await you when you rise up. What price do you need to pay, stop creating excuses, create a new future. Excuses disappear when you refuse to entertain them. A wise man said, “the world gives way for a man who knows where he is going”. In Acts 12:7, when Peter stood up, his chains fell off. For men of great destiny, you don’t sleep if you find yourself in prison. The moment Peter stood up, his chains fell off; no wonder, the Angel approached him with a slap. I believe these words are slapping you forward now. Wake up to responsibility. Pay the price destiny. Arise!

Put God First

Career people have a lot to do in God’s agenda this year. Your job or work or business is not just God’s blessing for generating financial proceeds; it is also God’s strategy for bringing glory to Himself.

If you want to prosper in 2021, you MUST serve God with you career and in your workplace. Stop dragging God’s name in the mud at work. Let everyone know you stand for Jesus.

Right now, many churches are full of people who lift up hands to God on Sunday but throw Him off through the week. This year, God will be releasing gods into the workplace, men and women who will Confront, Conquer and Claim their spheres for Jesus, bring His Kingdom influence to dominate therein.

Mic 4:11-12 says, “Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion. But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor”

Will you face opposition this year? Yes! Plenty of it.

Why? Because God will gather the opposition for a Threshing.

The Church of God should not be afraid when opposition rises up. God is bringing our enemies to the Threshing Floor. Get ready to beat!

Submit to God’s Process

Some year ago in my early years in Makurdi, God began to speak to me about our Ministry’s Training Arm: RID Leadership Academy. He revealed how many Bible Training Schools chunk out men and women, that are not fit for the field. This is a major reason for ineffectiveness and inefficiency in Ministry work even though churches are on the increase.

This year, God is focusing His attention on making men. Isa 41:15 says, “Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff”. When God makes you, you are made for Championship.

Sit under God and let Him cook you until you are done and fit for the field.

2021 is a year for the gods. Mere men stand no chance. Young ministers, stop all these chase and race to launch into what God has not made you for. You may be called but not chosen for an Agenda. You may be chosen but not yet fit. Get clear cut instructions from God before taking a leap. Learn to understand God’s place for you and stay there. Stop copying and comparing Graces across town. Take the following very seriously in 2021;

– Do not be in a haste

– Pray! Pray!! Pray!!!

– Fast and Pray

– Listen to instructions more in the place of prayers

– Be careful to get details about things that God is saying to you

– Obey instructions quickly

– Trust God, stop relying on people if not you will fail.

Finally, don’t get it twisted, there is a difference between fighting a man and beating a man. Stop fighting your enemies, start beating them. Ride through this year with Championship Mentality and the Countenance of Dominion. Indeed as long as God lives, everyday of this year will produce Threshing Testimonies for you, your household and organization in Jesus name. Arise!


Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


Every new year sets the stage for definite change, aspirations, expectations, targets and new dreams. God also has an Agenda for the year 2021. The Spiritual Focus of God for the year 2021 is THRESH. Micah 4:13 says,….

Praise God! Glory to Jesus for His Unfailing Love and Commitment to us at all times. He took us through the thick and thin of 2020; He blessed His people greatly and caused us to triumph on every side. Indeed, He is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him to do. Father, we thank you! Why not give God thanks right there? We cannot thank Him too much. Can we even thank Him enough? I don’t think so. However, we can give Him quality thanks. Jesus, we give you all the praise. Hallelujah!

This is the first time in a few years that the note for a new year is coming at a time this close to the dawn of the year. I have had to wait to be clear on matters of concern before putting these words together. Indeed, I welcome you to the year 2021. Congratulations!

Every new year sets the stage for definite change, aspirations, expectations, targets and new dreams. God also has an Agenda for the year 2021. The Spiritual Focus of God for the year 2021 is THRESH. Micah 4:13 says, “Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth”

Threshing is a very old farming practice that happens during the Harvest. It involves beating grain in order to separate the good seeds from the chaff. Beating is involved. Separation is also involved. These words are very cogent in relation to what God will be doing this year and beyond. Definitely, we are still in a season of Harvest, but more deliberately, God will be bringing specific judgement to the nations that will bring clear distinction between His people and the heathens.

God has revealed to me that, primarily in 2021, He will be releasing His agents into various spheres of influence and works of life in order to Confront, Conquer and Claim their territories for Him. Young Christian men and women will enjoy great open doors this year, especially in the workplace and in Ministry. They must understand that God is sending us as Kingdom Agents of Transformation. Many of God’s children will gain access into Babylonian structures, they will face opposition; they are to Confront, Conquer and Claim their territories for Jesus. New job openings are not just about God’s favour and answer to prayers, God has a plan and He is sending you. Do not get carried away by the open doors, braze up to the demands of Heaven for your life especially in 2021. We are to Arise and Thresh. You cannot beat a worldly system until you Stand Up to Responsibility.

Furthermore in 2021, God’s people will enjoy Strength and Uncommon Triumphs.  His word in Micah 4:13 says, “…for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people…” I will explain these Bible terms further in the month, especially at our Weekly Video Teachings; Click here to follow me. Basically, these terms mean the needed capacities to crush Babylonian systems and establish God’s reign. The wisdom that Joseph needed to climb the political heights of Egypt was given to him at the time he needed it. Do not be afraid and look beyond your certificate. Rely on God’s wisdom and do not doubt what God will do with you. You may be new in that organization, stop looking down on yourself, forget about your position. Everything you need to beat every opposition will be given to you. This year, God’s people will rise. His Church will conquer many great grounds across the nations of the earth. In 2021, in Nigeria, the government will acknowledge the Power of GOD’s Church because it will be too evident.

Also, God’s people will prosper greatly in this year 2021. Those who walk and work with the LORD will enjoy great wealth. Micah 4:13 further says, “…and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth” Beginning from 2021, the Church will begin to gain control the wealth of the nations and this will progress dramatically as believers rise and Thresh. The time has come for the fulfilment of Wealth Transfer Agenda of God, from the world to the Church. However, God will be doing this for a purpose. Anyone who misses God’s purpose for this Financial Boom may suffer loss. We are to “….consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth” Dedicating the wealth to God, means using it for His purpose and the expansion of His Kingdom here on earth. I have good news for people who have been committing to Kingdom expansion, “2021 is also your season of wealth”. Hallelujah!

What is the Secret to Thresh in 2021?

Every season has a secret. 1 Chron 12:32 says, “And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment” There is always something to do in order to align with God’s perfect agenda per time. You cannot Thresh by just being a child of God, but by aligning with God’s Agenda and fulfilling your part of the Covenant requirements for His timely promise.

The secret to THRESH through 2021 is found in Isa 41:15. It says, “Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff”

In verse 14, the LORD says, “Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel…”

The secret to THRESH through 2021 is “submitting to God’s making”. Jacob was termed a worm, fragile and insignificant. But God was going to use Him to Thresh the mountains to pieces. You might have had years and catalogues of loses; but in 2021 you story can change completely if you give in to God’s making.

When God makes you, you are made. It is in God’s making that we are made ready for the battles and destined triumphs in the field. It is in God’s making that we are given “horns of iron” and “hooves of bronze”. Many Christians have refused God’s making. Many have left the place of God’s preparation and gone into the field unprepared and in haste; so, they have become casualties in the battles of life.

Everyman’s secret is in his story. Joseph’s triumph in Egypt was a function of the journey that prepared him. Children of God, there is no sustainable palace without a prison. If you jump into the future, it will not last. The year 2021 is not a common year, it is a year for gods. Exo. 7:1 says, “And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh…” This is a year to confront the powers that think they be across the nations and subdue them completely. This is a year for the spiritually matured and not babies. Only gods will be able to Thresh the terrain and Beat mountains into pieces. If you are not made by God, you will crash.

God is looking for men and women who will wait for Him and walk every step of the way with Him. God is looking for young people who will stay with Him until they are made by Him and fit for the field. We have many unfit servants in Ministry and Workplace, becoming casualties in the battles of life. Will you return to God and His place of making today?

There is someone reading this note. You have left the Church where God instructed you to serve Him, His choice place for your making. You left for a more beautiful church. You have left the place where God has planting your horns of iron and hooves of bronze. Get back to the Threshing Floor before you crash. Return to God now, your glory is closer than you thought.

Our return to God begins with Genuine Repentance. If you have never given your life to Jesus, or if you have strayed away from Holy living, you can return now by confessing the Prayer below, genuinely from your heart;

“Lord Jesus, I have sinned but I return to you today. Have mercy on me and wash me clean from all iniquity. I confess you as my Lord and Saviour. From today, I am born again. I receive Championship over sin and satan. Thank you Jesus. Amen!”

Congratulations! If you just said that prayer, I will like to send you a Free Ministry Book that will help you grow. Please send me a message to inform me of your conversion. Click Here.

Connect with me on Social Media to access our Weekly Video Teachings where I will be revealing more about God’s Agenda for 2021, as He permits. Click here.

We love you and we are praying for you. God bless you richly. Arise!

Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju


God does not just want you to make money, He wants you to have sustainable Financial Breakthroughs. God does not just want you to get a contract and then return to point zero after a few weeks. His Principles are enduring, so He wants you to make it big, and then sustain that level, and then grow further.

You are not blessed just because you made some huge cash through contracts; you are blessed financially when you can remain at that level that God shoots you into over time. This month, I decree as long as God lives, He will lift you up and keep you there.

Say to yourself; “As for me, God will lift me UP and keep me THERE” Hallelujah! Glory to God.

No matter your financial level, you can rise. Honestly, you can! I really need to encourage anyone who is not doing well financially, your story in changing today in Jesus name. No matter how bad it has been, you can rise financially.

Personally, I have seen my life and finances grow consistently but it has also been deliberately. Financial Increase is consciously and deliberately cultivated. Money is dangerous in the hands of a man who does not know how to grow it. Money is a neutral instrument. It is good in the hands of a good man, and of course, bad in the hands of a bad person.

God wants you to grow and increase whatever He has put in your hands. Don’t ever forget this! Let me put it this way…. You earn N65,000 monthly?

When you collect your November 2020 salary, don’t only go about planning how to disburse the funds. Remember that, the salary is Financial Potential not Financial Reward!

Why? Because God wants you to grow and increase whatever He has put in your hands. God is not as concerned about what you earn as He is as concerned about what you can earn.

Man is created to be a creative and not a consuming being. It is Un-Kingdom to consume all that you earn? In fact, it is inhuman to consume all that you earn. Why? You are created to be a co-creator. So when you consume all you get, you are operating below the human level. You are created to be a creative being. Do not forget this!

Matt 25:16-17 says, “Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.”

When you multiply the money in your hand, God is happy with you.

Whatever amount you earn, in order to multiply your finances and grow your Financial Level, even if your salary does not increase, do the following….

Get a Part time or Full time Job

Even if you have a full-time job, as long as you know that the salary is too small, get a part time job to add something to your pocket. Jobs do not pay people, work does! You are not paid because you do a job, you are paid because you solve a problem. Apart from the job you do, what else can you do to earn? Apart from resuming in the office and closing late in the evening, what problem(s) can you solve for someone else somewhere that can fetch you some legitimate income? Answer these questions and show up; and you will earn.

Daily, people are in need of persons who can help them edit their books/articles, create designs, plan their trips, dry-clean their wears, etc. Some people also need professional services; consultants, teachers, personal coaches, event planners, etc. What can you do to help someone? What problems can you solve? That problem is your ticket to earn more! The guys in Matt 25:16-17 went trading their skills. What else can you trade?

Covenant Practise

Financial Prosperity in this kingdom is traceable to Covenant Practise. God’s Covenant blessings are only committed to those who fulfil the Covenant demands. No matter how much you work, the enemy can rob you of your income and earnings. It takes Covenant Practise to secure your Covenant blessings.

Gen 8:22 says, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, …..shall not cease”

The law of sowing and reaping is constant, it cannot cease. If you want to be blessed in this Kingdom, YOU MUST GIVE. If you like don’t give, you will remain poor.

I have seen my finances climb dramatically, because we have committed ourselves to Covenant Practises. There are people that work more than you, yet earn less. Work is not the only formular for financial increase.

You must learn how to secure God’s backing so that your efforts are not a waste. And God’s Covenant backing is secured via Covenant Practise. If you do not give as a low income earner, you will remain low. If you want to climb out of a financial level, commit to giving bountifully at that level. It is the seed that you sow that God blesses.

You earn little? Be a cheerful giver at that level.

You earn averagely? Give bountifully at that level

You earn well? Well, you can still grow further by giving bountifully.

If you withhold your income from God, giving the excuse that you earn little, you will remain there. I have seen Christians who can spoil money on personal outings, but ask for support for God’s work….N2000 will be squeezed out only after a million thoughts and sigh.

Even if anyone lay hands and legs on you and release Prophetic Blessings, the blessings will pass you by if you are not committed to Giving. It is that simple! You cannot beat a man who gives, at receiving. He will not need to pray about it.

How to you commit to the Covenant?

– Pay your Tithe: 10% of all your income. Don’t eat your tithe;

– Give Offerings: At Spiritual gatherings, give to God;

– Kingdom Projects: Support Kingdom advancement initiatives;

– Help the Needy: those who need your help while you have what is required;

– Prophet Offerings: Bless those who nourish you Spiritually;

– Give to your Parents.

Save from Every Income

It is Scriptural to save. The Bible talks to lazy people, to learn savings from the ant. The ant, though small, has learnt that, “if I must have food and resources in the future and at times of need, I must learn to save when I earn and/or have plenty.” Prov. 6:6-8

From this Scripture, whether you are a hustler or workaholic, as long as you do not know how to save, you are a Financial sluggard. A Financial sluggard is one who earns but does not set something aside for later. A Financial sluggard is one who eats and consumes everything he or she earns. A Financial sluggard is anyone who does not save from income. Imagine how many financial sluggards we have in churches!

Today, your change has come!

It is an abomination in God’s Kingdom, to consume everything you receive. Save from every income.

“Pastor, it is not easy to save o.” I have heard this repeatedly.

I have some books coming soon: the Financial Intelligence Series

In these 3 books, I have discussed in details, how to save money efficiently. In Financial Intelligence Series, you will also discover why you must learn to save money if you want to be very rich.

Whatever you earn, no matter how little or large, it contains the seed you need for the financial future you desire. Your present income contains the financial greatness you anticipate. If you consume everything, you consume your seed and therefore consume your financial future.

This is why it is possible to earn large and still stay poor. You must learn how to save from whatever you earn, so you are prepared for investments that show up unannounced.

Begin to Create Multiple Streams of Income

Deut 8:18 says, “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day”

God gives us Power to MAKE wealth. Money is manufactured. If you will grow your Financial Level, you must commit to creating Multiplying Streams of Income.

2021 is close, and you are a Creative Being. Include Generating Multiple Streams of income into your plans for the new year; refuse to stay on one channel of income.

From what you earn, plan and set aside some cash that you can reinvest in other profitable schemes. There are several things you can do to Generate Multiple Streams of Income, and I have discussed them in the Financial Intelligence Series. Some of them are;

– Start a New Business

– Invest in property, stocks and bonds

– Get into reliable Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Schemes

– Get into a Lucrative Partnership

The Financial Intelligence Series include;

– Financial Intelligence for Young People (How Teenagers and Youths can Earn, Save, Manage and Multiply Money)

– Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs

– Financial Intelligence for Ministers, Missionaries and Church Leaders

These books are filled with Kingdom strategies for creating Multiply Streams of Income. And they are cheaper when you pre-order

Pre-order for your copy now. Click here

God bless you.

Deji David Olanrewaju