A Missionary is anyone who is serving the Lord in a strange land, amongst a people not previously familiar to him or her. Missions is not limited to Pastoring and running a Church in a foreign field. Missions cut across various career fields. Today, we have Medical Missionaries; these are Doctors, Nurses and other Medical practitioners who are attending to the health needs of selected people groups and using this to draw men into God’s Kingdom. We have Media Missionaries. We also have Education Missionaries, these are Educators, Administrators, Teachers, etc, who are setting up and sponsoring Mission Schools in rural areas, as a means of winning communities to Jesus. The concept of Missions is very vast, we keep seeing the Lord do new things through this Outreach Enterprise for the rescue of the souls of people across the nations. So, the next time you see a Missionary, he could be a Professional who has set his “Isaac” on the Altar of God, to burn as Sacrifice to win the world.
Missions need support in diverse forms. From Prayers, to Personnel, to Funding, to Visitations; many things are needed to keep the man or woman on the field alive and productive. And, this is the collective effort of the Church, the Bride of JESUS on the earth.
Among others, I will list 4 things that can happen when you withdraw support for a Missionary on the field. This is not to bring resentment or guilt to anyone who has withdrawn help from a Missionary or Missions Agency. This note is to encourage you and the entire body of Christ to Rise Up, because men and women or leaving the field in their numbers.
- Weakness
Recently, I watched as a Missionary’s Performance level kept dropping. I spoke to another Minister of the need to help that young Missionary. The personnel in question confided in me, of how difficult it has been for him to raise funds for the work. He was getting weak, and it was obvious, at least to those who had the experience to see from afar.
Money is not the only thing that Ministry and Missions need. But when this is lacking; frustration, low self esteem and depression can set in. Don’t allow the Missionary you are sent to help, run into weakness.
- Doubt
Apart from trusting God for funds for the work, every Missionary needs support for personal and/or family upkeep. Do you know that there are Missionaries who are running projects that you applaud, yet they lack basic necessities for their livelihood? If your Church congregation support Missionaries, take time to visit your missionaries on the field; these people are trained to play down their needs for the sake of pushing the Gospel; you will be shocked what some of them pass through, while giving you positive Missions Reports.
If funding is low and it continues, many Missionaries begin to doubt their calling, or doubt the possibility of success on the field. Many Missionaries are running for luxurious fields, abandoning their place because of the inability to lay hold on necessary funding and support. How can a man who no longer sees success in his work, survive the harshness of the field?
- Unfaithfulness
You hear of pastors who cut corners because they are in your cities. Missionaries are in the bush, some of them cut corners too. Missionaries face the same temptations as pastors, when support is scarce. No one has an excuse for unfaithfulness in this Kingdom. But, the pressures are light when the common wealth is available to all through those sent to do the distribution.
Recently, the Lord showed me a revelation of how people in the church of today are digging the graves of Ministers. When the man is starved, it becomes harder to perform.
If you withdraw support for a Missionary, you have left him to the strong whip of the devil. Your support is encouraging, refreshing and cultivates a sense of belonging for the Missionary and his family.
If there is someone you should not abandon, after Jesus and your spouse, it is the Missionary that GOD has sent you to. Release your support for them.
- Replacement
A Missionary must continue in prayers and in practice to win and retain quality relationships that will keep the support he needs flowing. However, some times, the support does not come, so many Missionaries result into other strategies proven in Scripture, to earn their livelihood and the funding they need.
I believe that God is always true, He will be with us unto the end of the age. No one has the permanent title of “helper of destiny.” If God has blessed one financially and he refuses to give the support he has received from Above, God will send another to help and support Missions.
If you withdraw support for a Missionary, God will replace you! Don’t abandon God’s project committed to your care. Arise!
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