Praise the LORD! Welcome to our Year of OVERFLOW. Joel 2:24 says, “And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil.” This is GOD’S express verdict for everyone on His side in 2025. Your storehouses shall be full of grain; you will not lack food and your basic needs. Your life will be Overflow with New Wine and Fresh Oil. New Wine means Innovative Ideas for Witty Inventions; so, get ready to lead in your field and career with Relevant Ideas that meet contemporary needs. Fresh Oil means new levels of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Get Ready for Fresh Fire to command new Supernatural dimensions. Brethren, welcome again to our OVERFLOW Season.
An OVERFLOW simply means “More Than Enough.” In 2025, GOD is positioning you to enjoy surplus resources. For every project, He will supply much more than your budgets. There is the River of LIFE bursting forth for GOD’S Covenant people to enjoy His surplus. While the world is wallowing under economic hardships and natural disasters foretold before now, the Church of Jesus will stand as His Agent to bring Relief and Rescue to the world. John 7:38 says, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” By Faith, we will be distributing Life to quench death. We will bring Relief to destroy discomfort. Through you, Rivers of Living Water will flow to the nations. River quenches thirst; get ready to quench the problems in your field. You have been of no relevance but from this year, you will be the centre of focus in your career. In 2025, Rivers will flow through us, bringing healing, solutions and Revival to homes, cities, nations, continents, industries, spheres of influence and governments of the world in Jesus name. Get ready, the solutions to the pressing needs in your industry will come through you this year in Jesus name.
Every new year brings us into a new season with promises and Covenant demands. It is not enough to declare the blessings without embracing the demands. The easiest way to see manifestations, is to activate Covenant Requirements, and the Blessings will follow naturally. There is a key to the year 2025.
What is the Key to Enjoy GOD’S Best in 2025?
Rev. 22:1 says, “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.”
The Source of the River of Life is the Throne of GOD and of His Son Jesus. The Root of OVERFLOW is the Throne of GOD and of Jesus. Without the Throne of GOD, there is no supply of the River of Life.
Verse 3 of Rev. 22 says, “…but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it…” If the Throne of GOD is not in a thing, it cannot bring forth Rivers of Living Water. Until the Throne is present, dryness will continue; and the Throne represents the LORDSHIP of GOD.
The Key therefore to enjoy GOD’S OVERFLOW in 2025 is the LORDSHIP of GOD.
Many are stuck between the Salvation of Jesus and the Lordship of Jesus. They have received Him as their Saviour, they are born again; but they have refused to allow Jesus reign and rule over the affairs of their life. Jesus is allowed to lead in some areas but not in all. He cannot tell them how to spend their money. He cannot interfere in their relationship. Nothing should concern Jesus with their marital decisions. He does not have a say when it comes to where they go or how they lead their lives; they are in charge in certain “private” areas. They do not want Jesus to tell them what to do, no need to be instructed. These folks can go to church but no one can tell them how to serve GOD. They like to serve GOD where and when they like. This is the reason why many church people suffer crisis. This set of people will suffer dryness like the world in this season. GOD cannot be mocked.
Refuse to be stuck at Salvation, move on to Discipleship. This ‘baby-christianity’ will not pay you. If you refuse to be led, you will be misled. Many are suffering in certain areas because they refuse to Submit to Spiritual Oversight. Be willing to follow Jesus anyhow and anyway He leads you. And be obedience to Spiritual Authority that the LORD sets over you. Until His Lordship is in place in you and in every area of your life, you will suffer dryness and losses. Get planted and submit to His Lordship; this is the Secret to His OVERFLOW.
If Jesus is not Lord over you and every area of your life, then you are not in Faith. And it takes Faith to bring forth Rivers of Living Water; John 7:38. Are you still in Faith? Is Jesus still the Lord of your life, or have you added an option?
Resolve to Stay in Faith! John 7:38 says, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” The moment you stop believing, you cannot OVERFLOW. The moment you disconnect from deep rooted Faith in Jesus, you disconnect from the Source of Living Waters. Stay connected to the Source. Keep your Faith Alive. Contend and keep Jesus in charge of your life. Let Him Rule. Let Him direct you, instruct you and lead you in every area. Your Financial Overflow is only possible when He is in charge of it, let His Throne be in it. Let Him be Lord in your relationship too, and in all other areas.
It is Time to Enthrone Jesus; and this begins with Genuine Salvation. Until you repent of all sin, you may be in church but not in Christ. The journey to the Lordship of GOD begins with repentance from sin. To repent or rededicate your life back to Jesus, please Confess this Prayer with your mouth, from the depths of your heart;
“Lord Jesus, I am a sinner and I believe you died and rose again for my sake. I repent now and accept you into my heart. Have mercy on me and write my name in the Book of Life. I accept you as my Saviour and Lord. From now, I am a child of God and receive victory over sin, satan and self. Thank you Lord.”
Congratulations! Now, you are born again and need to Grow in Faith! Please send me an email ( to inform me of your decision to follow Jesus, so we can help you grow and serve Him all the days of your life.
We are on a 21-Days Fasting and Prayers Programme to begin 2025. Join us by 5.00am daily (WAT) for Prayers on Facebook or YouTube. Welcome again to our Season of OVERFLOW, Joel 2:24, John 7:38. Congratulations.
God bless you richly. Arise!
Pastor Deji David Olanrewaju